Chapter 7 : A Conversation Straight From The Heart

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Akshara took deep breaths. She was seated opposite Abhimanyu in his room for her first session that evening. He had asked her ten minutes ago to tell him everything about herself and ever since, she was trying to gather the courage.

‘Taking help is not that bad...’

His words were continuously ringing through her head but she was scared of being judged. He was the only person in her life at the moment, apart from his mother, who was nice to her. She felt, if he'll get to know about her, then he will feel disgusted with her as well.

To give him credit, he was calmly waiting for her to start talking herself. He was looking at her encouragingly with a soft smile, but hadn't probed or urged her to say something.

He really had the patience of a saint.

She took another deep breath, and finally decided to talk.

“I... I haven't seen my biological mother ever. Not live at least, just in pictures.” - she began, her voice trembling. “My father married after her death to a woman who was my mother's doppelganger. I always thought of her as my own mother and she loved me too. But when I was 9, I got to know that she is not my biological mother. The truth broke me yet it didn't change our relation. But it certainly changed Arohi.”

Tears fell from her eyes as she remembered each and every moment where Arohi did injustice to her. Where she was robbed off a mother's love just because of her.

“Then we lost our father in a plane crash. And as if, that wasn't enough from God in the list of my suffering, he decided to push it further. And then one day...” - her voice became a hoarse whisper and she looked miles away. As if, transported back to the day she was going to talk about. “The weather was unfavourable. We were at the temple. Sirat Maa took Arohi upstairs and I was down. She asked her to wait there as she'll return with me. But as she took steps down in a hurry...”

Her voice shook violently. Abhimanyu scooted his chair near her and held her hands in his. His heart tugged painfully when her grip on them became deadly as she looked at him with wide panicked eyes.

“She slipped from the stairs and her head collided with a large stone at the end of the steps, causing her to die on the spot. But it was not my fault! I didn't do anything! Trust me, I loved her as my own mother! My loss was equal to Arohi's but she didn't believe me! She holds me responsible for her death Abhimanyu!” - tears fell from her eyes as she clutched the front of his tee with one hand, desperately trying to make him believe.

“Shhh.... shhhh... it is not your fault Akshara. Relax. Calm down.” - he spoke soothing words to calm her down.

She blinked at him several times. Like making sure was he speaking the truth.

“You don't think I'm a bad omen ?” - she whisper-asked, her eyes scared like a child.

His heart broke. That was the most painful and difficult phase for him in the sessions. When his patients told him about their misery and sufferings. He knew it was not possible but he always wanted to take their pain away. To erase the memory of everything bad that had happened to them and leave only happiness behind.

He squeezed her hand that was gripping his tightly and shook his head with a smile.

“No. I don't think you are a bad omen. You were just a child who lost her parents like your sister.” - he said softly but with conviction.

She kept looking at him like a lost puppy, her eyes searching his for any doubt but he held eye contact with her. As he knew she would find none.

Her grip slowly loosened on his tee and her grip on his hand relaxed as well.

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