Chapter 5 : Come Home With Me

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Abhimanyu reached home to find his family following it's morning routine. His mother, aunt and sister-in-law were setting up the breakfast table. His father was seated on the sofa, reading a newspaper. His uncle was engrossed in a discussion with Neil, probably over some case because they daily did that before breakfast. Parth was their third partner in those discussions but he was in the hospital since night because of his critical patient. And Nishtha, his cousin sister, was colouring some school project, as always at the last moment, ready to go to school.

He collapsed on the sofa beside his father, gaining his attention.

“Long night ?” - Harshwardan asked with a slight smile and he chuckled.

His family knew him and his passion to help people survive. He was like that with every patient of his. Giving his heart and soul and going to extreme measures, that any usual psychologist wouldn't do, just to help them. To make them believe that life was worth living.

“You can say that...” - he replied his father with a lazy smile, while dropping his head on the back of the sofa.

Harshwardan ran a hand through his hair as he watched his son trying to stay awake. He had been surprised when Abhimanyu had expressed his desire to become a psychologist unlike all the doctors in the family. He was hesitant to agree just because of Abhimanyu's current state. He knew psychologists worked harder than other doctors. Because any other doctor needed to cure the patient whereas psychologists needed to — in most of the cases — AGREE the patients first to let them heal their wounds. And that was the toughest thing in the world. But in the end, he had given in as it was Abhimanyu's wish and he had never denied him or Neil anything. Nor would he ever be able to.

“You are tired. Go and get some sleep.” - he gently instructed.

“But I really wanted to join everyone on breakfast...” - Abhimanyu mumbled, his eyes drooping.

Harshwardan's heart gave a tug. He got up from the sofa and adjusted the cushions before gently making Abhimanyu lay down. He took off his shoes and straightened his legs over the length of the sofa.

“The breakf-” - Manjiri stopped short when she spotted her son sound asleep on the couch.

Her heart went out to him. She signed with her hands towards the breakfast and the men quietly left for the table.


Akshara unlocked her hostel room and entered. It was dark and deserted.

‘Just like me.’ - she thought with a sad smile.

When she had arrived Pune, 3 years ago, she had a roommate. But the girl got admission to a music school in abroad and left within three months. From then on, she was alone. Sighing, she walked to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Something she had not done since... she didn't even remember the last time she looked at herself in the mirror.

She pushed on the water in the basin but looking at the water, suddenly made her look at the bathtub that was filled with water. Long enough for anyone to lay in it straight and...

deep enough to drown.

In a trance, she walked towards the tub and sat beside it. She dipped her fingers and lightly waved her hand in the water. It's coolness reminding her how her skin had felt when the blood was flowing out of it. It had turned cold as well. Calm and peaceful. She took her slippers off, ready to lay down but froze when a voice rang in her head.

‘...I can't lose this job. Please save me by agreeing...’

She stood up in a flash and stepped back from the tub like it was a horrifying creature. No! She had promised she will help him! He had-

Her phone started ringing, breaking her thoughts and she ran out of the bathroom. Thankful for the escape.

Bade Papa.

The only person from her family who called her from time to time. But she was not feeling like talking at the moment. She had been away from the hostel all night, had missed classes now. She was sure her family was informed and Bade Papa would interrogate her. For which, she was not ready. Neither had answers.

Putting her phone on silent, she walked towards the bed and slumped on it. Fixing her eyes on the ceiling like always. That's how she spent her time after classes. Laying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. Until next morning and classes.



“He looks exhausted.” - Anand commented as he, Neil and Harshwardan started to leave for hospital but stopped by the sofa to observe Abhimanyu.

“The case is of a sensitive girl this time.” - Manjiri told them quietly, her heart aching at the pain she had witnessed in those innocent eyes.

Harshwardan sighed. Stuck in between the health and passion of his son. He looked at Manjiri, his eyes asking to take care of Abhimanyu who blinked her eyes in assurance, before he left with Anand, Mahima and Neil. Shefali had already left as her boss had called to cover a breaking news. So that left, Manjiri and Abhimanyu at home.

She sat on the coffee table and took in the sleeping form of her son. She knew how peaceful Abhimanyu felt whenever his patients smiled infront of him for the first time. Whenever he spotted a gleam of hope in their eyes. She knew them as if, experienced first hand because he had told her about each one of them. The journey they had taken towards healing. Till the day they become alive. She knew and was proud of her son.

But that didn't mean she was not worried about his health.

He worked day and night on his patients. His sleeping hours were slowly emerging into working ones. And even if he got sleep, it was like that. On a sofa, a table, a chair... During his last case, he had suffered from a severe back ache for the same reasons.

And now the new case.

She totally understood the girl needed special attention as her condition was extremely sensitive. She felt heartbroken for her as well but she didn't want her son to fall ill again.

She needed to find a way in-between.


Akshara was in the same position on the bed, staring at the ceiling when she heard a knock on the door. At first, she ignored. Thinking it was most definitely someone from the University management, there to tell her she was being called to the principal office. But the very same thought forced her to move because if such was the case, then the management will contact her family and they in return will scold her.

Again. As always.

She swung open the door but was surprised to find Abhimanyu's mother, whose face morphed into a kind smile at her sight.

“Can I come in ?” - Manjiri asked.

Akshara snapped out of her trance and stepped aside to give the lady way in. Her face turned red in embarrassment as Manjiri stopped to look at the room. Everything was out of it's place. Some things scattered on the floor, some on the study table. Her laundry basket, full of dirty clothes, was kept in a corner as well.

She hurried to make her room as presentable as she could, but Manjiri held her wrist, shaking her head with a smile.

“You don't have to be formal with me dear.” - she assured softly and Akshara's eyes watered.

The kind lady affected her more than she'd like to admit because she brought out emotions in her. And emotions hurt! She was running away but couldn't escape.

Manjiri wiped her tears and kissed her forehead. “Come home with me.”

Akshara blinked several times. Not understanding, or more like not believing, what Manjiri said.

“And before you argue, know that it's a mother's command.” - Manjiri added with a motherly strictness.

Akshara stared at her speechless. Tears freely flowing from her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something but choked onto her own sob. Manjiri's eyes watered as well and she pulled her in a tight hug.

For the second time that morning, Akshara found herself crying her eyes out on that woman's shoulder. Who radiated a warmth she had longed for, craved for since childhood. A motherly warmth. A motherly smile. A motherly scold.

A mother.

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