Chapter 2 : I Need Your Help

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Abhimanyu watched keenly the girl laid infront of him on the hospital bed. Her chest slowly moving in inspiration and expiration. Indicating that she was alive.

But was she really ?

He thought, observing her forearms. They were filled with scars. Of cuts of a blade or knife. Some fading away while some fresh. Not enough to kill but to hurt for sure.


It clearly stated that the girl was habitual of harming herself. She had dark circles under her eyes that indicated towards insomnia. She had attempted suicide which meant she was highly depressed and didn't want to breath anymore.

How could he classify her as alive ?

“You do realize that it's a police case...” - came a voice from his right.

He didn't take his eyes off the girl to respond to his uncle.

“I know Tauji. But you know my thinking on that rule.” - he replied calmly.

“I know! ‘That someone who is willing to die shouldn't be pestered with questions by the police’. I know it and your every patient gets saved but... this looks serious Abhimanyu. Like, more than usual.” - his uncle tried to make him understand.

Which was not needed.

The instant he saw the girl's condition in the bathroom stall, he had known it was an extremely serious and sensitive case. More than usual. And that is why he didn't want the police asking unwanted questions from her on waking up that could, most probably, trigger her further.

That was the only advantage he took from Birla Hospital. He was a rule abiding person but as a psychologist, he could do anything for his patients. That is why, no patient of his had ever been questioned by anyone. And it was not like he had made the matter worse by doing that. No. His decisions and thought process had always helped patients. And today, thousands of people, that once had wanted to die at any rate, were living a life they wouldn't want to abandon at any cost.

And that was his peace. That's all he wanted.

His uncle sighed at his muteness. Knowing well he wouldn't budge.

“Fine. But don't let your aunt know!”

Abhimanyu smiled involuntarily. That was what his uncle always said in the end after giving up on making him understand.

Knock. Knock.

“Yes ?” - his uncle responded to the knock.

“Dr. Anand, Dr. Mahima has requested your presence in her cabin.”

Anand patted Abhimanyu's back twice before leaving. While the later continued to observe his...

new patient.


Akshara slowly opened her eyes. The blinding white light teased her and she squinted to adjust her vision. At first, she thought she was in heaven because since childhood, her mind had created a visual of the heaven as white lights and clothes and cool breeze. But her hopes crushed yet again when she found herself looking at a room's ceiling and laying on a hospital bed.

She had been saved ?

Her heart sank at the realization and hot tears started flowing from her eyes and down her cheeks. Dampening the pillow.

Even death refused to accept her ?


Why couldn't she even die in peace ?!

The drip of blood connected to her wrist mocked her. She felt it laughing at her. At her misery. Pitying her.

And she screamed.

The Healer [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now