Chapter 3 : A Ray Of Hope

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“So... tell me something about yourself.”

Abhimanyu and Akshara were in the hospital room again. She was laid on the bed as he had fixed the drip while he was seated on the couch. At first, he suggested to go back to sleep but she declined saying she was not sleepy. It didn't surprise him, considering she was insomniac. Then he offered on getting to know about her if she doesn't mind and she relented. He patiently waited for her to start talking herself but when she didn't even after ten minutes, he at last, asked himself.

She continued staring at the ceiling and replied :

“I am Akshara. 24 years old. Study at University Of Pune in Music Department. Final year.”

Her tone was monotonous. Lacking any kind of expression. Her information also was like, giving elders a briefing on her academic record. But he didn't lose hope and found a way from that as well.

“Music department ? Do you love music ?” - he asked with a smile and tears formed in her eyes which slowly rolled down her cheeks and onto the pillow.

He swallowed, instantly realizing that she had remembered something painful and hoped she would talk about it.

“I'm there because I'm not intelligent enough to study anything else.” - she whispered, looking miles away.

He felt like she was repeating someone's words. And stood from the couch. He took a seat on the stool beside her but she didn't notice. Her eyes were fixated on the ceiling.

“For example ?” - he softly asked, not wanting to break her trance.

“Like becoming a doctor. Such a noble and draining profession it is. It's tough for you guys. Whereas us, we just take mic in hands and sing.”

He was certain she was quoting someone. The words seemed to be carved on her soul like old wounds. Continuously paining and making her suffer. He desperately wanted to ask who said all that to her but squashed the urge down. He knew he needed to choose his words wisely.

“Well... I'm a doctor and I love music. Infact, my cousin Parth loves music to such extent that he was thinking to choose it as a career.” - he told her cheerfully but no reaction came from her. “My mother sings as well.”

At this, she lowered her eyes to look at him. He didn't know why it captured her attention but he wanted to. Because it will help him a lot in understanding her.

“Yeah. She has such a beautiful voice. When I was a child, she used to sing my favourite song as a lullaby. Even to this day, Dad asks her to sing time to time and she sings ‘Piya Tose Naina Lage’ for him.” - he told her chuckling and he could swear that her lips twitched ever so slightly.

He felt excitement flooding his system. He had found at least one way out for her.


“Would you like to meet her ?” - he asked, a bright and hopeful smile on his face.

Her face went blank again and his heart sank. No! She was going back to her mute shell. He needed to act fast!

“Actually... she'll be happy to see that I'm finally handling a patient.” - he said with a sad face.

She blinked. Staring at him for a long moment but he kept up the pretence of being sad.

“Okay.” - she said at last, making him smile.

“Lovely! I'll call her in the morning.” - he said and she nodded her head in agreement.

Her eyes were drooping. The sedatives clearly affecting her and his smile softened.

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