Chapter 3

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June 15

Silverblade was training on the mountain tops. The air was thin, the sun shining. As she climbed to the top she noticed a finger above her. "Uh." She shook her head and kept climbing.

Once she reached the top she could see the person clearly. Her mother, Riverstep. She had died when Silverblade was just a little girl. She didn't remember much about her, but she knew enough.

Two years ago Riverstep had visited Silverblade from beyond the dead. She had told her the truth of who she really is, of what she is. A half serpent and half human. And her father, Kao, the first spinjitzu master. She new lots about him, but has never seen him once in her life. He's always to busy for her.

"How is my little girl doing?" She asked, her voice strong and kind. "I've been doing all right. Still trying to locate the others. I found a few, but I don't have the courage to go up to them." Silverblade said, lowering her head. "Do not look so disappointed. The time will come when you are a needed." Riverstep smiled lightly. Silverblade had the same smile as her mother.

She looked away. Riverstep noticed something was wrong. "My dear, what is on your mind. You can tell me." She sat down next to Silverblade on the edge of the cliff. "What if I'm not meant to lead a team. I can barely even talk with normal people. All they see is serpent."

Riverstep sighed deeply. Your team will not think you are only serpent. I have seen it. They will be your new family, one you can alway relay on when you need them. They will protect you and you will protect them." Silverblade looked in her mothers eyes.

They looked so calm and hopeful, where here's were dull, scared, and sad. She gotten her mothers smile but her fathers eyes. "Dear, you will no longer be alone. You will be loved." She smiled slightly. Her whole life she has done everything to get the love of her father.


Silverblade walked through the front door. The first thing she always saw where the golden weapons, for each element. There was never one for her, but she was okay with that. When ever she looked at them it gave her hope for what may come next.

"Silverblade where have you been!!" Kao shouted from the other side of the room. Silverblade headed in that direction. Her father standing in his dojo, glaring at her. "May I ask a question?" Silverblade lowers her head. Kao waved his hand for her to proceed. "Do you miss her?" She asked.

Right then and there a woman with long blond hair walked in. "Miss who?" Kao asked, raping his arm around the woman. "Mother." Silverblade said in a whisper. "Speak up child!" She shouted. "Dear there is no. Need to yell. You'll make the baby upset." She said rubbing her stomach.

Silverblade took a step back. "Your going to be a big sister. Are you exited." Kao looked words Silverblade. Happiness and joy in his eyes. She took another step back.

"You replaced her?" Silverblade said, a little lowers this time. "Replaced who?" He asked, arching his brow. "My mother, that's who!!" Silverblade finally snapped. Kao furrowed his brow. "You have a new mother. Treat her like one!" Kao shouted.

Tears started to run down Silverblade's cheek. "Dear, she's still processing. Give her a little more time." The woman said. Silverblade had had enough of this. She sprinted out of the house.

She had no idea how far she ran, but she didn't stop till it felt like her lungs were grasping for air. She placed on hand on a tree, leaning over as she caught her breath. "Uh." Silverblade dropped. Her eyelids were heavy. She tried to keep them open.

Foot steps approached her. She tried to stand up, but her body wouldn't move. She only saw the shoes of the person. Gray sneakers, before everything went black.

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