Chapter 11

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Silverblade was in her room at the temple. It was quiet. Everyone had gone home to get there things to love in. Riverstep sat down on the bed next to her daughter.

"My child why are you so upset?" She asked, her voice sounded like it could protect you from anything. "It's dad. He's moved on so easily. It hasn't even been a year since you died. He acts as if you and him never happened." Riverstep lowerd her head. "My dear child, I know it will alway be heard for you. You lost someone you cared about deeply. The only thing left is a hole there that your trying to fill."

Silverblade looked up at Riverstep. "But now he has three new kids. He payed very little attention to me back then, but know that there here. It's as if I'm a ghost. He put my room in the shed so the triplets could have a play are. I never got that. He treats them better then how he treated me. It's just not fair!" Tears started to roll down Silverblade's cheeks. She had tried so hard to hold them back, but even she has to cry sometimes.

"Silver, you don't have to always keep your emotions bottled up inside. It's not good for you. There are people out there who you can talk to. I just wish you would stop beating yourself up about my death." There it was. The one thing that Silverblade couldn't hide her tears from.

"But it is my fault. I'm the one who lead them to us. I'm the one who didn't listen to dad. You say I shouldn't blame myself, but because of me your gone. I can't change that." Riverstep smiled lightly. "My dear. You have come to terms that you can't change what happened in the past. But you can keep your new family safe."

Riverstep wiped away Silverblade's tears. Riverstep kissed her on the top of the forehead, pulling her into a hug. "There is no need to always be strong." She said, rubbing her hand agents Silverblade's back. Silverblade could still smell the honey lemon on her cloths. It's as if it never faded.


"Mhm." Silverblade walked out of her room. The sun greeted her as she walked into the room. "Well morning sleepy head." Yunhee said, his town gentle and happy, as usual. "For a second I thought we would have to bang pots and pans to wake you up." Shuna joked.

"How long have I been asleep for?" Silverblade asked, sitting down on the couch. "Not sure. You didn't answer your phone, so we thought you were in school." Silverblade's head snapped up. "I slept throw school?" She said, her voice terrified. She had never missed a day in her life. "We let you sleep because it looked like you needed it." Katty butted in.

She did need the sleep. She was thankful they didn't wake her up when they got here. "So how are the suits coming along?" Kasumi asked, tilting there head. "Not much progress. But I could work on them while I'm awake." Katty cheered and clapped.

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