Chapter 14

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Geno was dropping weights to annoy anyone. "Are you done!!" Roin shouted, standing up. Geno stood there. "We're trying to find someone. You are not helping!" Roin sat back down, taking a deep breath.

Adimaji looked over at Silverblade. She had been quiet for almost five hours. "You okay?" He asked, looking at her. Silverblade lifted her head. "Ya, just got a call from my dad in class." She replied. "By that attitude it didn't go well." Hiroko butted in. "No." Silverblade lowered her head.

"I got a hit on him!" Synara shouted. Everyone gathers around her. "Well we shouldn't waist anytime should we?" Natalie looked around at everyone. "Let's move." Silverblade commanded.


Kao was getting his ass kicked. "You became weak." The man with brown hair said, circling Kao said. "I see you haven't changed much ether, Sacora." Kao sat up. He was getting to old to fight.

An arrow came out of no where. "What the hell?" Sacora looked around. There was nothing but darkness that surrounded him. SLASH!! A sword quickly made its way across Sacora's face. He was barely able to doge something that quickly.

Kao blinked a few times. In front of him was Kyrie, but her face was hidden. The only thing you could see where her eyes.

"You should really leave this up to us. Stay here." Kyrie leaped over him, joining in the fight. Kao sat there blinking a few times. He had no clue what was going on.

He didn't call any kind of back up. So who the hell were these people in hoods? "Nice going!" Katty said cheerfully. Kao stood up. "Thank you for the help." He said, his town relaxed. "I'll take it from here."

The hooded fingers all looked towards there leader. She was wearing all black with strips of every members color.

"No can do. You not in any condition to take him on your own." Silverblade said, looking over at Kao. "Who exactly are you?" He asked, watching them all leave.

"Where the ones who are going to replace you and your team." Sora said, diving out the window. Kao froze.

There was no one close to beating him. He was the first spinjitzu master. The first person to get all the elemental masters together. Thought it ended up in a disaster. No one was even close to his rank except for.

"Silverblade." He growled.


Kao tried repeatedly to call his daughter. It would instantly send him to voicemail. "Honey, she might be in class. It is a school day after all." Zera said, smiling lightly. "That dose not give her an excuse, she could attest text me back." Kao shook his phone.

"That's it." Kao dillied another number. "Who are you calling now?" Zera asked, rocking the baby back and fourth. "I would like to place a missing persons case." Kao said. He gave details that described Silverblade.

"Dear, she's probably doing something. She's not even missing." Zera said, in a calm town. "This is a little bit complicated. She has found her team and assembled them. They need the right kind of guidance." Kao took a deep breath.


There was a bang of the front door. Kao answered the door. The police walked in with Silverblade. "Would you let me go!" She snaped. The officer released her, throwing her towards Kao.

"Thank you for finding her." Kao said, pulling Silverblade closer. She instantly bugged away. "I wasn't even lost. I was at the park with my friends." Silverblade hissed. The officer bid them good day and left.

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