Chapter 25

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Something small and soft rubbed up against Mel's foot. Opening his eyes, the pug watched as Sweetpea nuzzled his paw before fluttering over to Buddy to do the same thing. While he was watching the parakeet, Mel didn't realize that Max had sat down beside him until he felt himself being pulled into a hug. "It's okay guys," the Jack Russell terrier stated, "There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Yeah, if anything we're happy for you guys," Chloe added as she sat down beside Buddy. Giving the dachshund a gentle lick on his forehead, she continued, "And we still love you guys no matter what, even if you all are dogs." Tearing up, Mel squeaked out, "That is the nicest thing you ever said to us."

"Because she means it, we both do. You're our friends, nothing will change that," Max pointed out. Chirping softly, Sweetpea patted both dogs on their heads. At this point, Mel and Buddy were crying happy tears. Sighing, Chloe outstretched her arms as she meowed, "Come on, bring it in. I will allow you guys a four to five second hug."

"A forty five second hug?!" Mel and Buddy barked. "What, no! Four to five seconds!" Chloe yowled. It was too late though as the pug and the dachshund dove at her. Laughing, Max came over and joined the group hug while Sweetpea landed on Mel's head, draping his wings over him in a hug like fashion. Nestled near the center of the embrace, Buddy mumbled, "Thank you guys."

"You're the greatest friends we could ever ask for," Mel chimed in, wagging his curly tail. Smiling, Max reassured them, "You're welcome. And remember, we're always here for each other, right?" A chorus responded back, "Right!" Relieved, Mel and Buddy booped their noses together.

Everything was gonna be okay.

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