- 𝐂𝐡. 14 -

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Lookism - Ep 37


One of the Gian High schoolers tried to sneak attack Zack using his fist but Zack managed to dodge it.

Zack grabs the guy's face and slams it across the wall in the narrow alleyway.


Zack breathed out. Vasco noticed that Zack was tired and tried to assist him.

"Now let me.."

Vasco said.

"I got this"

Zack responded, he was holding his bloodied forehead as one of the guys tried to grab him.

Zack dodged the guy's hand that wanted to grab him, he threw a punch in exchange.

That's two down only the girl and one guy with a headband(?) are standing.

The boy with a headband noticed that Zack's legs were trembling.

So uses the chance to throw a punch on the sides of Zack while Zack blocks them with his forearm.

"How's this? So you box? But me, I've been in the national tournament"

The headband boy said. Zack clenches his fist and punches the guy's abdomen just like what Daniel did to him back then.

"Hey scam artist, the national is nothing, being fast isn't everything, how does that feel?"

Zack said while catching his breath and holding his knees to assist his body.


In another area but on the same date, same time, same location.

Jay, who was riding his motorcycle spotted Y/n running. He sped up catching up to her, honking at Y/n for her to take his presence.


Y/n said as she halted, Jay skid his bike in the mere meters away from her.

Jay got off the bike, he walked to Y/n and grabbed her hand to write something on her palm.

-[Zack. Got. Scam]-

"Is that so? Poor him"

Y/n said, she cocked her head slightly.

-[Daniel. Is. Here. Too]-

"He? Oh. I guess, he's trying to help Zack out. What a great guy"

Y/n said as she smiled. She squeezed Jay's hand that was still in her hand. He just nodded in response as he lowered his head, ears getting red.

"Are you here to help too?"

Y/n asked which Jay nodded furiously.

"Ah? Aren't you a great guy too? Or should I say " good boy?"

Y/n compliment. Jay's body stiffens as his whole body warms up. Y/n just laughed.

-"Hey Hurry!"
-"Woojin called everyone!"
-"What's up?"
-"I dunno"

A commotion was heard. Many schoolers are running as if they were being called.

Jay watched the students shouting, running towards the area where he was supposed to go.

Y/n turned her head at Jay and grabbed his hand.

"Hey, Jay. Do you want to dance?"

Y/n asked. Jay tilted his head, confused at what she said.

Y/n walked towards the schoolers and grab one of the student's shoulder who seems to be taking the lead.

"Hey, I'm kinda lost. Mind telling me which part would you prefer? Your stomach or your face?"

Y/n said. Her face inches close at the student's reddening cheeks. However, she harshly tightened her grip on his shoulder.

The student fell down to his knee as he yelped out, clenching Y/n's wrist, trying to knock it off.

Jay stood stunned as he watches at Y/n. He realized what she meant about dancing.

While the student that was in Y/n's grip was screaming in terror, the other stopped and corner her.

Y/n turned her head over her shoulder, Jay glance her smile that was aiming to him.

"Watch my back~ Jay"

Y/n said as she smile like a fox. Jay felt his cheeks heating up again at the mere mention of his name rolling in her mouth.

Y/n let go of her grip on the student's shoulder as she grabs his hair instead, she throws him at the charging other students successfully catching them off guard.

"How classic..."

Y/n said uninterested. She approaches them slowly as they tense up to them with her hands in her pockets.


Y/n called. Sensing the students relaxed their body and started rushing towards her.

Jay just watched the girl obliterate the freshman of Gian High as a smile displayed on his face.


The burn knuckles located their leader and aided him to fight the other sophomores.

The guy with a headband charges toward Daniel trying to knock him and evade them.

He throws a punch but Daniel dodged it.

Daniel throws a jab landing on the guy's nose.

Stepping his one foot forward to throw a hook on his abdomen.

Daniel then stretches out his arm to throw a straight hitting his face again.

The guy's name was Woojin.

His girlfriend cried and kneel down by his side asking if he was alright while squeezing his hand.

"You. Take care of your girl, love is not something to exploit"

Vasco said then stared at the hand that the girl was squeezing and a drop of tear escaped from his eyes.

Gun was watching on the other side while they solved their own problems.

"If Yui hadn't called, would I have chased Y/n instead?"

He said with his arm resting on the window of his car.

Gun just smiled at them as he left.

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