Everyone Is Not Created Equal

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"Hey, what Quirk do you think we will have?" 

"Hopefully something like Mom or All Might!" 

"I want something like All Might!" 

"I want something like Mommy." 

Izumi turns away with a huff. He didn't understand why she didn't want a Quirk like their mother's. Her Quirk is very cool and useful in almost all situations, unlike a quirk similar to All Might (Though it would be a cool one to have). Their mother sighs from where she was sitting beside Izumi. "Wait, I'm sorry Mommy!" 

Izumi immediately apologized as Mom laughed, "Don't worry, Izumi. You're not in trouble." Izumi sighs in relief as he looks in the direction of the doctor who left the room where they got scanned. "Yagi." Mom stands up and grabs our hands as she leads us to the doctor's office. "So, what did you find?" She asked as she sat them down before sitting herself. The doctor sighed before looking at her, "So, I'm going to be blunt. Your son is quirkless." His mother sucks in a breath as he freezes, he knew what that word meant, unlike his sister that looked confused. 

"But, on the bright side, your daughter appears to have a stronger version of your quirk." The doctor exclaims with a bright smile. Izumi pouts, "It Isn't All Might's quirk." She crosses her arms as their mother thanks the doctor and leaves out. How ironic, they're both sad but, for different reasons. He didn't have a quirk while she didn't get the quirk she wanted. He wanted to cry and by some miracle, he didn't. 

The drive home was silent, Mom looked to be in deep thought. He looked out of the window, he couldn't be a hero without a quirk, could he? He could try but it would be hard. When they get home Izumi runs out of the car crying, "Daddy! I didn't get All Might's Quirk!" 

Dad was standing at the door and easily caught her, "Oh no, what did you get, Angel?" Izumi just sobs harder as he and Mom walk in. "Honey, Izuku's Quirkless." Father didn't say anything but, he tensed up, Izuku didn't know what that meant and only started heading in the direction of his room. As he left the living room he heard his mother's next words, "But, Izumi luckily got a stronger version of my quirk." She sounded so happy.....he couldn't take it and ran the rest of the way to his room and broke down. 

All the tears he was holding back came out like a gesture. He could hear the sound of his parents celebrating Izumi on her new quirk, no one came to check up on him that night. As if he no longer existed to them.



The next day he sat on the bench on the playground. He was watching everyone play as his usual playmates weren't here currently. "Hey, Izuku! I heard you are quirkless!" He turned to see Kacchan and Succhan there, both of their palms sparking. He nodded slowly, his voice was hoarse due to him crying himself to sleep. He also had a really bad migraine but, Moomy wasn't listening when he tried to tell her. He hopes he's not sick, he doesn't want to be even more of a disappointment.

"Are you still planning on being a hero?" He turns to look at Shoko, he thought about her question for a few seconds. Did he still want to be a hero despite his quirkless status? It would be grueling but, not impossible. Like that red-haired lady and the man with the bow from that old movie, he watched with Uncle. He only need the drive and a push but, he felt like he didn't have that anymore. Maybe he should talk with Mommy or Auntie later, they always have good advice.

Fuck you Nezu! I don't want to be a hero!!Where stories live. Discover now