His Blessed Weekend: Friday and Saturday

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Dang, I've been working on this chapter since the 13th of March. And just finished it on August 5th. Damn, man.

~.~ ~.~ ~.~

 Quote of the day: What's worse than an idiot? A genius who's as dense as a boulder. - Hitoshi Shinso

                                                                                       ~.~ ~.~ ~.~

He's been to the Yaoyorozu Estate multiple times but he's still always in awe as he takes in the view. Past the gates is a long pathway covered in trees until you get to the central courtyard with the pretty fountain in the center with a ram statue in the middle. And don't get him started on the mansion, which takes inspiration from European structures rather than Japanese structures. It was big and a bit intimidating, about 5 stories tall, so it towered over him.

"Izu, come on," Hitoshi said as he pulled him up the stairs and into the grand entrance. "To Momo's room!" Himeiko shouted as she and Neito ran up the stairs. "Hey, no running in the-"

"We're not at school four-eyes!" Neito interrupted Tenya who started speed walking up the stairs. "Be careful! You two might fall!" He shouted after them as Himeiko and Neito responded in agreement. "You can't help idiots Izu." Hitoshi shook his head with a sigh as Momo's smile became strained. "I assume you two remember what rooms are yours?" She asked as he nodded, typically he and Hitoshi would share a room due to his occasional nightmare. But, recently after Hitoshi presented, there has been a noticeable push to not have them room with each other so often. Were they scared that Hitoshi would one day wake up in a runt? It's not like he would be in any danger, he is still unpresented so alpha commands don't exactly work on him.

"Are we sharing or," Hitoshi looked at the head butler. He was a tall old man with gray hair and red eyes, "Hohoho. You two can share a room this time." Yes! Hitoshi looks at him with a weird look before sighing again. "I forgot, he's worse."

Before he could ask what he meant by that, Hitoshi led him up the stairs as Momo shouted, "We'll meet back in my room in 5 minutes." Hitoshi didn't give any response to that and led them to their room on the third floor. The same floor as Momo and the others who all have their own rooms. That's how often they came over that they just gave them their own dedicated room so they didn't have to go and find them a room when they came by.

"Are you taking the usual bed?" Hiroshi asked as he opened the door. "Maybe....can't we share?" His usual bed was the black one on the right side of the window. This room is almost double the size of his current bedroom with 2 queen-sized beds. The other was a teal one on the opposite side of the room closer to where the bed was. He likes to look at the sky at night, especially after a nightmare, so his bed was already predetermined. But, he also likes sleeping with Hitoshi so they would sleep together most nights. That too has been more and more spaced out since Hitoshi presented.

"We could but not tonight. I'll sleep with you Sunday night." He said as he placed his bags on the teal bed. He pouted but agreed as Hitoshi promised to sleep with him on Sunday. "Five minutes are almost up." He flinched before looking at the TV monitor to see Felix's AI face. Which was joined by a beaming Emily, "Before you asked, we asked them to install the TV screen you updated last year into here. So we can easily reach you in an emergency while here."

A small part of him wanted to comment on the fact that he always wears his watch but, decided not to as it finally gives the TV he updated a use.

Why did he update the TV? Because some brats from the Robotics Club accused him of cheating at the science fair because 'A quirkless kid can't make A.I.' They sounded as stupid as Izumi and her friends. Which is sad, Soumei kids are supposed to be the best kids in the country.

Fuck you Nezu! I don't want to be a hero!!Where stories live. Discover now