Mommy, I'M Going To Be A Bride!

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Azami and Katashi have not stopped laughing at his misery since he told them what happened. "It's okay, Izu. I'm sure you'll make a great bride." Momo tried to make him feel better as she rubbed his back. "But- I'm not even a girl nor have I presented yet. So." 

Azami leans up a bit to look at him as she wipes tears from her eyes, "Well, be honest with me now. Are you going to present as anything but an Omega?" 

"Well, I mean- I could." Azami shook her head, "No~ Your scent tells all." 

He huffs with a pout as Katashi gives him a pitty-pat on the back. Momo was giving him a sympathetic rub as she understood his pain due to her not presenting yet as well. Though according to everyone who has already presented she's going to present soon. 

"Speaking of presenting, Onee." Azami gave a hum of acknowledgment, "What did you present as? That was why you were gone for a whole week right?" He asked, last week Azami didn't go to school and they weren't allowed to visit. Well, Katashi still somehow managed to get in but, he only said she'll be okay. 

"Oh, I presented as an Alpha."

Oh, wow. Very fitting but, wow. He looked at Katashi, "Aniki, aren't you a Delta?" Katashi flinched for a second before sulking. "Yeah, but at this rate, I'm going to be in charge of a pack of Omegas and Alphas. Why poor Delta heart can't take it." He was being dramatic, you would almost think he's the one that's in the drama club, not Hiro. Speaking of Hiro, he wasn't at school today and he's not answering anyone's messages so, he might be presenting as well.

"I doubt it will be all Omegas and Alphas as they are rare second genders to have," Momi said as he nodded remembering the statistics. 50% of the population are betas, 20% are Deltas, 15% are Gammas, 10% are Alphas and 5% are Omegas. Though he likes to tell people that he believes the statistics are wrong because his moms an Omega, his father is a Delta, his sister, and her friends are all Alphas, Aunty is an Alpha while Uncle is a Gamma. You kind of get the point, especially since most of his friends have already presented as Alphas. (Shinso and Tenya) He wants to hurry up and present, so he can see what everyone smells like. See, since he's represented his smell is very faint and he can't smell others. Only babies and toddlers can smell others but, once they hit the age of 5 they lose the ability to smell others until they present at the age of 9. 

As he walks up the stairs and opens the door to see mom was in the kitchen. "Mom, I'm back with a few friends." She poked her head out and gasped before running out of the kitchen and pulling him into a hug. "Izu!!! You're home early today. And you brought your friends along too!" He felt his cheeks heat up as he heard Katashi giggling. "Oh, my. How rude of me!" Mom puts him down as he pouts, hey, don't get him wrong, he loves being carried by his mother! Just not in front of his friends that are laughing at him. "I'm Yagi Inko, Izuku's mother. Now let me guess." She points at Azami, "You're the infamous, Azami Onee, I've heard about." 

She then went to Momo, "I think your Momo, thank you for helping Izuku to catch up with the class the week he got a cold." 

"And you must be Katshi, the leader of the pack?" Katashi puffed his chest in pride as Azami smirked at him with a raised eyebrow. He refuses to explain anything as he looks at Momo who's being bashful as she tries to explain she didn't do anything. 

"You guessed correctly mom! They're here because there's a major exam in our science class coming up." Now, you may ask. How are they and Katashi in the same science class if he's a year older than them? Simple, they all did so well on their science exams last year that they got placed into an Advanced Chemistry class this year. Though for Momo, that's very obvious as she needs to know a lot of chemistry for her quirk to work properly. "Okay, have fun. Oh, and we're having lasagna for dinner tonight." Ooh! "Okay, Mom!" 

Fuck you Nezu! I don't want to be a hero!!Where stories live. Discover now