His Blessed Weekend: Sunday

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The morning was busy, with servants running around, and people coming in and out. They were woken up at seven and then dragged to separate rooms after being fed breakfast. He was in a room on the second floor, he wasn't sure where the others were taken. He would be scared but Chef Ayano stopped by and stunk him, sweets, when Clara wasn't looking. Oh, and he was allowed to talk with his mother over his electronics.

That's what he was currently doing as he sat in the chair waiting for the hair stylist to return. He was kind of dreading it, to be honest, he doesn't have good experience with any of the hair stylists near his home.

"Don't be so nervous, I'm sure you'll look great, Izu."

"It's just that-" He actually couldn't put it into words. He's never done well in settings where he'll be surrounded by rich people, adults specifically. They take one look at how his father ignores him and then assume he's an unwanted extra, not like they are wrong, and treat him accordingly. One even had the nerve to ask his mother, 'Why haven't you sold him yet? I know a good trade that will get you big bucks.' That lady and her family soon went bankrupt and were locked away in prison for participating in the slave trade.

"Ah, don't worry it won't be like that. You'll have your new friends, your sister and her friends, and me there too."

"Oh, are you guys going too....sorry, that was a dumb question. Of course, you guys are going." He muttered, causing his mother to laugh on the other line. As he was about to say something else the door opened and the stylist walked in.

"Oh. Mom, the stylist is here."

"Okay, I can't wait to see what dress you'll wear to the party."

She then hung up causing him to stare at his phone blankly as the stylist introduced herself. He never once mentioned the dress and knows Emily hasn't either because he asked her not to. He sighed, 'I guess a mother always knows.'

Well, that ended up being the most pleasant hair stylist he'd ever met. Kim Mingi, the stylist, kept up a nice conversation with him the whole while others would have told him to shut up and basically to stop breathing near them. She told him about how she used to work with K-pop idols but started working for the Yaoyorozu's after receiving a recommendation.

She also laughed while talking about how to take care of his hair properly. His hair was wavyier than the standard Japanese person so he would benefit from different hair care treatments. He had Felix write down all of her advice for him to use later.

He was now taking a break after his nails got down to bake out all of his stress about the party tonight. His talk with his mother helped a little but not much since she confirmed that Izumi and her friends were going to be there too. After an hour of stress baking the kitchen doors opened as Momo peaked her head in after getting a text from Emily.

"Izu, are you okay?" She asked the obvious question as she approached him. He didn't answer, only shaking his head. He seemed to be shaking a bit, she understood why Emily texted her. She calmly grasped his hand gently, "I don't know how bad these parties were before we all met but, we won't let that happen tonight. We'll ensure this will be the best party you've ever experienced."

Not like that would be hard to do, he said internally. As if reading his mind Momo smiled gently, "How about I help you decorate these desserts before we hand it out to everyone who's been working since the sun came up." She knows seeing people being happy works as a good stress reliever for Izuku.

He nodded, and she calmly slid in place beside him. They'd done this a few times before and found it was more difficult than it looked, causing her respect for bakers to go up exponentially. She could see the way his trembling stopped the longer they worked and how his tension dissipated when they passed a treat to one of the staff.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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