Science Fair? Possible New Friend? New School?

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A year later

"C'mon! Midnight and Ms. Joke have Merch! How about Stereo Crash? Dang, I might need to create a poster for him too." He grumbled angrily before he sighed. He leaned back against his chair as he looked around his room. 

His room was no longer covered in All Might merch because can now. The room he shared with his sister was covered in them because she still basically worships the ground he walks on. He replaced his All Might merch with a normal purple blanket and posters of several Underground and Limelight heroes. There are 3 figurines, a plushie, and 5 posters. There's lots of merch of, Green Empress sprinkled all over the place, some of them limited edition and very rare. Though those surprisingly aren't his most prized possession. He turns to look at his bed, an Eraserhead plushie, and a poster hanging over his bed. 

He made them himself when he realized that Eraserhead has no merch as he's good at making sure the public doesn't know about him. Though unlikely for him there are forum pages where people saved by him all talk about their experiences. He's a real hero, saved about a thousand lives with no credit because he's not a Limelight Hero. Better than that muscle head.

It's been a year since the day he was rescued by Eraserhead. He's now seven and has his own room, thank goodness. He doesn't know what he would have done if he had to share his room with Izumi until they hit puberty or one of them presented. He closed his eyes, things at home haven't really changed much but, at the same time, things have changed a lot since then. For one he and his mother are much closer and the tiny rift that formed between them when last year has been repaired and is better than ever. 

Mom is busy with her hero work but, still tries to make time for him and Izumi but, mainly him. Every 3 weeks she tries to dedicate one day to him and they go out and have fun without his father and sister. It's a nice bonding time for them, he guesses Akihiro wasn't wrong about his mother still loving him. And, yes. He said hero work. He knew his mother was Green Empress and let her know about it about 8 months ago. She didn't seem surprised by this fact and only asked how. 

He explained how when writing his page on Green Empress he realized their quirks are extremely similar. Which then led him to realize they had the same hair and eye color, something he didn't pay attention to before. He knew that green hair and green eyes are fairly common but to have both at the same time is basically unheard of outside of his family. After he realized that fact it didn't take long to connect the dots. His Mom confirmed his suspicions then and made him wonder how his father managed to score someone as cool as his mom. 

Then 7 months ago the reveal came, His idiot of a father is All Might. Who is also a blonde idiot, he would say that the stereotype of blondes being idiots was true if he didn't know the Bakugos. 

That revelation immediately killed all the love he had for the hero and made being in his old room uncomfortable. Not that it's ever been comfortable since he was 5, much less now after the kidnapping thing. The amount of times he's had a panic attack when Izumi and her friends throw open the door is astounding and very sad. 

So, he begged his mom to give him a new room and she did though he hasn't finished moving his things into it yet. She had no problem because they had the room for it, their house was 3 stories after all, so there were a lot of rooms that have left empty. He was actually given three of the four rooms on the third floor to do whatever he wanted by his mom but, didn't know what to do with the third one. He uses his second room as a room where makes and stores the posters he makes. Speaking of that room, he should be getting there now. He's got a Science Fair to prepare for. 

Fuck you Nezu! I don't want to be a hero!!Where stories live. Discover now