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Warning somethings that aren't for good for the heart and mind (Children being tortured, violence against children, accidental murder, murder, human experimentation on children.) Skip these sections if you don't want to be potentially triggered,

"Hey! brat...." to Izuku was barely holding on to...

Go to sleep was code for... to Katashi closed his eyes...

He immediately grabbed the man... Actually, just skip that whole paragraph.

                                                                         ~.~ ~.~ ~.~

The first thing he saw when he woke up was a roof that didn't look like the one in his room.  He groaned as he felt his head begin to pound from the bright lights, did Izumi leave them on? He quickly closed his eyes before opening them slowly. The roof still looked the same, he slowly leaned up and took in his surroundings. He was in a cage in the center of a white room. A brightly lit white room. He didn't get a chance to observe further because he heard someone speak up behind him.

"Aniki! He's awake!"

"We can see that Amaya."

"Lower your voices." 

"Sorry," He turns to see four kids behind him, they were all dressed in oversized dirty white shirts. And when he looked down he saw he was wearing one too, though his shirt was cleaner than theirs was. Most likely because he was just taken here. 

He stopped observing himself to instead observe the four other kids with him. It was two boys and 2 girls. They all seemed to be around his age, with the boy who shushed them looking to be the oldest around 8 or 7 ish. "Hey, are you quirkless too?" Izuku blinked, "Yes...too? Are you all quirkless?" They all nod, he couldn't hold back his surprise. To be born quirkless is rare in their generation, he didn't ever expect to meet one, let alone four, other people born quirkless. 

Though surprise and tiny bits of joy were shattered by what they said next. "They only kidnap children with no quirk to experiment on them." Izuku lets out a gasp of horror. "Experiment?" He whispered to himself. Human experimentation is a crime, isn't it? But, quirkless people are seen as less than human. So, would other people even care if they tried to search for help? He looks down, he wonders if Mom was looking for him. Was she running around the neighborhood, screaming out his name in panic? Was she asking if anybody's seen him? Has she called the police to report that he's missing? Or did she not care? Or worse, did not even notice he was gone? He's basically worth less than scrap food to him, she has Izumi after all. She was a good one, she had a quirk, and she would be the one to go out and make their parents proud. With her around, there is no need to think about their quirkless son.

His spiraling thoughts were interrupted by a voice, "Hey... what's your name?" It was the older-looking one, he had blonde hair and black eyes. He looked pretty thin but, then again so did all of them. They must not get a lot of food here. "I'm Izuku Yagi....Call me Izuku." Izuku answered honestly as he looked at his palms. "Ok, I'm Katashi Kayo," He pointed at the girl who spoke up first. "That Amaya Riko." She had short purple hair with teal streaks and white eyes. She was about his height maybe....he isn't sure as she's sitting down. "Hi!" She had a nice smile, Izuku decided. He nervously waved back at her, "Hi."

Katashi smiled and pointed at the other boy, "That is Akihiro Masujiro." He was sleeping so Izuku couldn't see his eyes but he could see his white hair. He also appeared to be taller than Izuku. Katashi then poked the girl who responded to what Riko-san said before. "And this one is Azami Tatsuki." Azami.....so close to Izumi. He took a deep breath as he felt lucky that she looked nothing like his sister. Azami had long red hair and blue eyes.......interesting. 

Fuck you Nezu! I don't want to be a hero!!Where stories live. Discover now