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Scootaloo P.O.V.

10 boringest months o my life. And only 3 minutes left until it's summer! Hi, I'm Scootaloo. I'm a junior Pegasus living in Ponyville. My dream is to someday be a great flyer just like Rainbow Dash. But, I still haven't learned to fly, so I have a long way to go. "And how many years was that Scootaloo?" Ms. Cherilee asked. "" "Ms. Scootaloo, you're going to have to pay attention in class." "Sorry." Ooh, a screwed up there. "Ring-Ring" Yes, schools out! "Ready to go, Crusaders?" Apple Bloom asked. "Sure!" said Sweetie Belle. "Uh, I gotta talk to Rainbow Dash. I'll meet you at the clubhouse." I said. I don't need to talk to Rainbow Dash. I just need some time to myself. I'm gonna go for a hike in the outskirts of Ponyville. When I walk outside, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are waiting for me. Oh brother. "Great job back there, blank flank," said Diamond Tiara, "are you finally gonna try to get your cutie mark?" she teased. Don't respond. Just keep walking. I finally found a shady spot under a tree, when I heard a scream...
Sup ponies. I'm an experienced Wattpad writer, from last September. This is my first pony Fanfiction, but I also have Paw Patrol Fanfics. Don't forget to vote and comment. I'll be posting every day this summer.

My Little Pony: Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara's Love Story (CANCELLED)Where stories live. Discover now