Inside the Vortex

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Scootaloo P.O.V.

I was in the vortex- there was darkness all around me. SCOOTALOO a deep voice said in my head. I AM HERE TO TAKE YOUR BODY. I HAVE ALREADY TAKEN OVER YOUR ACTIONS. YOUR MIND WILL FALL VICTIM EVENTUALLY AS WELL. WHEN THAT HAPPENS YOU WILL BECOME ONE OF MY SERVANTS. "No!"  I yelled to the darkness. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. I WILL NOT RESIST. SAY IT. I struggled, but lost control. "Resistance is futile. I will not resist."

No P.O.V.

The pony take over occurred all over Equestria. Princess Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were all conquered. There was almost no hope. However, unknowingly to Chrysalis, the dark magic granted Diamond's wish. To reconnect with Scootaloo...

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