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Diamond P.O.V.

I knew right away that Scootaloo had seen Sweetie Belle kissing me. I could hear her trotting away. "Sweetie Belle, what have you done?"

Scootaloo P.O.V.

I ran away as fast as I could, and found my self at Apple Bloom's farm. "Howdy, Scootaloo!  What's wrong?"  Apple Bloom asked. "Apple Bloom, you don't want to know."  "Well, sure I do!"  "I saw Sweetie Belle and Diamond cheating on us."  I saw Apple Bloom's expression change from jolly, to shocked, to thoughtful. "Well, Scootaloo, I've always had an interest in you. Want to go out?"  "Yes!"  "Scootaloo, where are you?  I'm really sorry!"  Diamond called. Uh-oh...

My Little Pony: Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara's Love Story (CANCELLED)Where stories live. Discover now