The Cliff

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Diamond Tiara P.O.V.

"Silver Spoon, help me!" I slipped and now I'm holding myself up out of the cliff on a branch. "Sorry Diamond. I guess this is it." Silver Spoon walked away. I can't believe it! She just left me here! And now I'm gonna die! "Help!" I said, sniffling. I'm not gonna make it out. I guess I'll let go now. "Oh, it's you," said Scootaloo, peeking over the edge of the cliff. "Please help me!" I yelled. I was slipping. "Why should I, Diamond?" "I never hated you! I didn't want to be mean to you. I was just following Silver Spoon" I said pleadingly. "Apologize then." "Apologize?" "Yeah, apologize." "Okay, I'm sorry." "You mean it?" "Yeah." Scootaloo reached down with her scooter. "Grab on!" I grabbed on and she pulled me up. "Okay bye!" She trotted away. Maybe I should try to be nicer instead of following my unloyal former friend...

My Little Pony: Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara's Love Story (CANCELLED)Where stories live. Discover now