In Love

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Diamond Tiara P.O.V.

Hi, I'm Diamond Tiara. Sorry, I just got shaken up. You see, I was the first to get a cutie mark in my class. I also live in a mansion. I just can't stop thinking about what just happened. Scootaloo just saved me from falling off a cliff. But I teased her. I feel so bad now. I also feel something different. Wait, I don't care about Scootaloo, do I? No, no, it cannot be. I continue to rearrange my closet for the twelfth time. I just can't deny it any more, I'm in love with Scootaloo!

Scootaloo P.O.V.

She shouldn't bully me anymore, right? I kinda feel pity for her. But I also think I'm missing something. Like I feel something else for her. Nah. "Come on Scootaloo! It's time for flying lessons!" I heard Rainbow Dash call. "Okay coming!"

My Little Pony: Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara's Love Story (CANCELLED)Where stories live. Discover now