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Diamond P.O.V.

"Diamond...Diamond..Diamond!" "Huh what?" Scootaloo was standing over me. It looks like I'm in the hospital. "Scoots, what happened?" "You and Sweetie Belle fell through the floor of the treehouse." Oh that's right! Wait, and Sweetie Belle? I looked over to see Sweetie Belle unconscious. "You're the lucky one Diamond, Sweetie Belle's in a coma. Apple Bloom rushed in to see Sweetie Belle. "Oh Sweetie Belle, no, I love you!" She kissed Sweetie Belle, then turned to us. "Scootaloo, I have something to confess. Me and Sweetie Belle have been dating for five months." I started laughing, and so did Scootaloo. "Me and Diamond have been dating for that long too!" Apple Bloom was shocked. "In that case, teaming up with the enemy is against Crusader rules. Diamond can not join, and Scootaloo, you're kicked out!

My Little Pony: Scootaloo and Diamond Tiara's Love Story (CANCELLED)Where stories live. Discover now