Chapter 6: Lets Play a New Game

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Tyler's P.O.V.

    I only had an hour before Derrick came to get me. I ran around the room frantically trying to clean up after my failed attempt of pleasuring myself. What do I wear and where are we going? I dug through my closet looking for something to wear for any occasion. My ringtone pierced the air and my nerves shot up. Shit am I already late. I ran to my phone to see it was Blake calling me.

    My mind went blank. That's right I left without letting him know and we were supposed to hang out tonight after that "party". I swallowed the air to get ready to deal with this conversation. "Hey Ty, is everything alright? You left rather quickly." Blake asked as I continued to get dressed. "Yeah I wasn't feeling so well there and wanted to go home." It wasn't a complete lie but whatever. Blake was silent for a bit.

    "Well do you want me to come over and we can go somewhere you want to go?" Blake asked but I got a text from Derrick; he'll be here in 10. Shit I quickly grabbed my hi top classic vans and a matching shirt. "Well I have a last minute emergency to handle. Can we plan another day?" I asked Blake. If I told him I'll be meeting Derrick it wouldn't be fun to deal with.

    "Oh. That's fine then just let me know if you need any help." Blake sounds a bit sad. I would say something but the sound of a horn going off stopped me. I looked out to see a man standing by a white SUV. Looks like a bodyguard. "Hello Ty?" Blake brought my attention back. "Sorry my ride is here and yeah I'll text you when things are calmer to finalize the plans." Blake understood and said bye before hanging up the call.

    I ran downstairs and grabbed my house keys. I ran up to the car. The man looked at me and I slowed down my speed. Is this SUV not for me? I stopped in my tracks as he looked dead at me. I awkwardly spun around not trying to embarrass the shit out of myself. Before I could walk away I heard my name call out. I looked over my shoulder to see Derrick, I believe, stepping out of the vehicle. He looked like his dad but I can still tell it's him from energy. I hastily took a step, still unsure.

    I'm not gonna run into someone's arms; don't wanna get abducted. "It's me I swear." Derrick laughed as he opened his arms out. I walked up to him but before I could speak he wrapped me in his arms and lifted me up, crushing my back. Holy fuck did he get stronger cause this fucker is crushing me. I patted his back trying to get him to put me down. "Sorry sorry." Is all he said laughing as he put my feet back on the pavement. I wobbled a bit trying to regain my balance.

    "I can't believe it's really you." Derrick said as he eyed me up and down. "Still short I see." Derrick laughed as he patted my head. I grumbled a bit. I shooed his hand away. Derrick just laughed more at my expression. "It's not bad, it's cute. I also see you are a bit more built." Derrick said as he put one hand up to his chin as he was eating me up with his eyes. "Well yeah after being told multiple times that my height isn't average and I'm short. I work out a bit." I told him in a huff as I lowered my brow.

    Derrick laughed again and extended his hand. I looked at it confused. "Come on, let's go somewhere while we talk." I grabbed his hand as he brought me into the vehicle. The bodyguard closed the door behind us as he made his way to the front with the driver. Derrick just kept staring at me and I started to get nervous. "Sorry, can you not stare so hard it makes me a tad nervous." I looked around trying to  avoid his gaze.

    "I'm sorry again. It's just I can't believe it's really you. When you called earlier I ignored it since I don't accept random numbers." Derrick said as he laid back in his seat and rested his arms on top of the seat. His form exuded dominance and power. I couldn't help but get slightly turned on. I quickly shook my head. "So why did you call back then?" I asked leaning into him trying to be playful but at the same time hiding any unexpected guest "popping" up.

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