Chapter 13: Brunch

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Tyler's P.O.V

I heard a light knock on the door and a faint voice. I slowly pulled the covers off my eyes only to be blinded by the bright sun flowing into the room. I groaned as I pulled my body up. I grabbed my phone to see what time it was and to see if I got any messages. First of all it was half past 11 and I only got a couple of spam messages. I threw my phone to the side as I rubbed my face trying to wake up. Soon the knocking happened again and it began to open.

I looked over waiting to see who it was. It was Yinu asking if I was still here. "Yeah I'm still here. I just slept in." I told her as she told me that Blake and Derrick are downstairs eating. They asked me to join them for brunch. "Hey Yinu, question?" I reached out to her. She gave me a puzzled look before asking what. "Do you live here as well cause you're always with Blake like are you a maid?" I genuinely was curious.

Yinu just laughed before she gained her composure. "No but I do live on a lower level of the building." I gave her a confused look and asked some basic follow up questions. She answered them all before leaving me. Hmm interesting she is free to come and go as she pleases and technically is always on the clock unless she says otherwise.

I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and stared at the door for a moment. "I better get down there and see how this will turn out." I jumped out of bed and stretched my body. I slipped on some sweat shorts that were just lying in the room. I also grabbed some random shirt that was in the closet. Weird? Are these Blake's' clothes or is this for guests? Egh not worth the energy to dig deeper.

I looked at the shirt one more time but I decided not to wear it. It's time for me to play the twins game and mess with them both a bit. I looked in the mirror one more time. Messed my hair up a bit more. I also slowly pushed down the shorts so they are barely hanging on. Perfect just enough but not too much. I slowly made my way to the kitchen thinking on how I should play this out. As I got closer I could hear them eating but with light conversation in between.

I walked into the room yawning and stretching my arms above my head. Making sure I put my body on a small display for them. "Hey sorry about that I slept in." I told them while laughing as I opened my eyes up seeing both twins staring at me. Blake had a spoon in his mouth as he just stared and his cheek had a small tint. I turned to Derrick just staring with a look of determination. No words were spoken from either one of them, so I just shrugged it off. Good start, I thought to myself.

I walked up to Blake and grabbed the spoon out of his mouth. I ran my hand along his shoulders as I walked behind him,"It's not polite to play with your utensils." I told him as I put the spoon back down on the table. Making sure we made eye contact as I leaned forward over his shoulder. I made sure my face just swiftly brushed past his. I gave him a quick smile as I stood up straight again.

I looked down on him as I brought his attention to my face with my hand. I noticed there was something on his lip. I ran my thumb along his bottom lip to brush the crumbs off. Blake's eyes wide from my actions. I gave him a small wink before I continued my walk to my seat. That should be enough for him for now. Next is Derrick which might require more hands on.

I can see Derrick boring a hole into me. Feeling the jealousy oozing off his aura. I flashed him a small smirk as I made my way to him. His eyes never left mine as I walked up to him. Right when I got behind him I reached over his body making sure he could feel my body. My hands snaked over his broad chest while going down his torso. I gave him a slight hug before retracting my arms back. I let my hands linger though on his shoulders. Can't get too messy, I quickly thought to myself. I know I said I don't want them to fight over me but after last night I need to establish that I'm in charge. So both will get the same level of flirting.

The Sexton Twins: New Age DynamicsWhere stories live. Discover now