Chapter 7: New Ally

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Tyler's P.O.V.

I was woken up by someone knocking on the door. I looked around to see I was in the living room. I rubbed my eyes trying to adjust to the light. The knocking came again which put me in an annoyed mood. "I'm coming!" I yelled as I stretched my body and trudged to the door. The moment I touched the handle the knocking came again. I flung the door open about to yell till I realized it was Yinu. I looked around to see if Blake was here as well.

"Blake isn't here. I came alone." Is all Yinu said as she locked eyes with me. "May I come in, there is something I would like to discuss with you." Is all she said. I was still in a small daze from just waking up. I racked my hand through my hair as I stepped aside letting her in. I yawned as I followed her. She made her way into the living room and sat down. I sat down across from her staring at her as she observed the room.

"Your house is very...modern." I looked around as well not really knowing what she meant. "Besides that I came to check up on you. Did you call the number?" Yinu asked as she sat with her legs now crossed. "Yeah I did...Why did you give me Derricks number?" I asked as I pulled out my phone to see a text from each of the twins. "I gave you a number I thought belongs to you." Yinu is still playing the innocent bystander I see.

"Alright then." I gave a concerned look as Yinu had her tablet again searching something up. "Listen Tyler. I'm going to say this once. With you back in the picture things can get better or worse. I can't figure out which it is yet though. I'm here to protect Blake from any possible scandals or nuisances that can affect him." Yinu stated still not looking up from her tablet.

"So why show up anyways and tell me this if you're suspicious of me." I asked as I crossed my arm a bit annoyed by her pretentious stance. "Because I know Blake isn't going to leave you even if I say anything or warn him." Yinu huffed as she recollected herself. "Plus Derrick is still around and I know all about y'all's history." I was taken back. Does she know about how their mother died too? "I know y'all three were in a serious relationship and were having personal issues. Then out of nowhere you suddenly left after Christmas. Leaving the twins in a state of confusion hiding their past to further their career."

I was sitting as she went on explaining what she knew and how she had to learn to keep things under wraps to not tarnish the fashion house reputation. Yet never once has the cause of death of the mother come up. I sighed a relief knowing that's not common knowledge. "At the end of the day I'm here to keep an eye on you and the twins. Heavens know those two are a handful." I laughed at Yinu comment. "Is it safe to tell me you're watching me as well?" I was genuinely concerned about her method.

"Of course. Now you know not to fuck up. Don't worry I'm not planning your downfall. More like monitoring the development." Yinu said as she now stood up and unwrinkled her pantsuit. "So what now? What did you gain from me reaching out to Derrick?" I asked as I stood up as well. "If you didn't reach out to him I would have one less person to watch. But knowing the twins this was the safest way for you to meet Derrick. Then meeting Derrick accidentally while hanging around Blake." Yinu's voice silenced a bit near the end.

"If y'all end up all three together again, choosing one of the twins only, or just staying past lovers. I wanna make sure it stays clean and scandal free. Whatever you decide Tyler, it's not going to be easy for anyone." Yinu was heading out leaving me with no words to say. "Oh you should probably take down my number. I can help you out if things get sticky." Yinu gave me her number before she saw herself out. God it's like high school all over again.

I threw myself back down on the couch. I stared at the ceiling mulling everything over. "Hopefully no one dies this time." I laugh at my own twisted joke. I sat up quickly because I forgot the twins texted me. I quickly snatched up my phone and opened Blake's message first. <Hey it's still fashion week and in two days will be my final show wanna meet up?> I should be fine but I work the next two days at the restaurants. Before I replied I looked at Derricks message.

The Sexton Twins: New Age DynamicsWhere stories live. Discover now