Chapter 12: Cherry Juice

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Ty's P.O.V.

Honestly it felt like ages as I waited for the party to fully die out. To the point I don't remember falling asleep on the lounge chair. I don't know how much time passed until a pair of hands began to shake me lightly. "What do you want?" I was annoyed as I stretched my whole body out. Forgetting where I was at for a moment. "Sorry I just wanted to let you know your room is ready. Everyone is gone." I quickly snapped my eyes open to Blake as he gave me a soft smile.

Well I feel like a dick talking to him like that now. I muttered a small sorry but all Blake did was give a slight nod with a laugh. "Well Derrick, you know where your room is right?" Blake asked Derrick as he was walking up towards us. I stayed sat as we just watched him. "Yeah, Ezra should still be in there." Is all he said before putting his hand on my head. He then proceeded to lightly ruffle my hair. "Goodnight Tyler. If you need anything you know where I'm at." Derrick said the last line staring at me but ending with glaring at Blake.

Blake just rolled his eyes as Derrick walked back inside while throwing his hand up waving. Blake and I watched in silence for a moment. "Well let me show you to your room then." Blake told me as he gave me his hand to help me up. I followed Blake back into the flat and made our way to my room. It seems I'm still on the second floor but my room is on a small perpendicular hallway with only one door at the end. Blake pointed to the door stating that the door is my room. I began to walk down the short hallway . When I grabbed the doorknob I turned back to see Blake was still standing there.

Seems like he's making sure I get in safely. He smiled and waved. "Goodnight Ty. My room is down this hall. I'll leave my door cracked if you need me." With that Blake walked out of view and left me alone. I turned back to see that the room had a huge king bed. I felt such joy to jump straight into bed. I practically ran into bed. I just want this night to end. Like who in the world doesn't want two hot guys fighting over. Me, that's for one. Especially between two guys who both held my heart at one point. Shit is mad tiring. I laid in bed looking at the ceiling unsure what to do.

I rolled over and looked at the doorway as if the answer was gonna knock. I waited and waited for nothing to happen. I let out a heavy sigh and rolled over again trying to go to bed as I coiled myself up in the blanket. I let the warmth and darkness enveloped me. I even let the quiet air settle....I don't know how long I have been under here for. Ages I felt. I tossed up to see that 30 min has passed and I'm still not asleep. I let out a loud groan as I threw myself off the bed. "I'm gonna see if there is anything in the fridge downstairs to help me go to bed." I told myself out loud.

It wasn't too hard to find my way back down and rummage through the fridge. "Can't sleep either?" Is all I heard as I slammed the top of my head onto the edge of the fridge. "Fuck!" I yelled out as I crouched down holding my head trying to rub the pain away. Not even a second later I felt a warm hand rest their hand on top of my head. I looked up to see Blake looking into the fridge as well grabbing some sort of juice. "I have cherry juice if you like. It's not great but hey it has natural melatonin." I looked up to Blake as the fridge light highlighted his features.

I also happened to realize that he was shirtless as well. A small blush crept onto my face and I quickly looked away. "Sorry I'm used to sleeping without a shirt on." Blake laughed as he poured two glasses of cherry juice. He slid on my way as he began to drink the glass. I couldn't help but to stare as his body began to flex lightly. No get your mind together. I told myself as I swirled the crimson juice in front of me. Blake let out a huge "ah" before pouring himself another glass. I moved towards the kitchen island and sat down with my full glass of juice.

"Still can't get behind the taste, it's so tart but I rather do this than take supplements of melatonin." I looked up to see Blake have a contorted face as he looked at his second glass. I couldn't help but smile and laugh at his demeanor. He noticed my smile before quickly fixing his face. He began to flex his arms. "Nothing is too much for me though. I can handle it all." Blake laughed as he showed off his muscles. I noticed his build is bigger than when we were younger but it was perfect for his frame. I started to feel a slight desire for more. I decided to tease him a bit.

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