MC Persona

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Ayanakoji was deemed the perfect person as of coming out of the White Room, but what he didn't know was that his father was running two Rooms. 

After Ayanakoji left, the second Room was still up and running. His father, or Atsuomi, named the second Room the Black Room. And because of Ayanakoji's sudden leave, Atsuomi made sure that the same thing wouldn't happen to the Black Room

But what he didn't expect was for the next top  candidate for the perfect person would be... A girl. And even more surprising, she escaped the Black Room for the exact same reason and way that Ayanakoji did. She just executed it a bit better. 

Shira Izumi, (First name Izumi) Has powers, but only incredibly  slightly. She can see short glimpses of peoples' true thoughts. It happens almost everyday. And when she's sleeping she often gets dreams of the future


Btw, the MC is basically just like Ayanakoji (So yeah, a sociopath) but in a more elegant kinda way. 

Her looks are second to none. Meaning she is a good looking slacker. XD

- Love Author-chan!

The Black Room's Escapee - OC x AyanokojiWhere stories live. Discover now