Chapter Six: Her Brother.

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First of all, thank you again to all those people who voted on my chapters! We got a total of 446 views and 23 votes right now! 

(Which, I gotta say, is way more than I thought I'd get) 

Here's a little list of the latest people who did vote,




And Primestar101 for being the first person to talk to me on my feed! 

Now, onto the story!

Ayanokoji's POV & Present Tense: (I like how I use the first name for Izumi but not Ayanokoji lol)

"No good she's not answering..." Kushida says.

"Ugh.." Ike says, but not in a bratty way. 

"Damn it! I started to think we were gonna get somewhere with the chick." Sudo says, while banging my mattress which he's laying on.

"But still, it doesn't even matter if she's willing to testify or not. It's not gonna make a difference.

The question of whether it was self-defence or not was just a minor detail. In the big picture, it's nothing.

Have any of you guys figured that out?" Horikita says in a matter-of-fact-ly way.

"Huh?!" Sudo says in anger.

Shira turns her head to Sudo.

"What do you mean by that?" Kushida says while kinda hiding behind me.

"Nothing at all." She gets up and walks towards the door before turning around one more time. 

"Goodbye now." And then she leaves. 

Time skip~~~

Sakura huh?

I think as I lift my student ID in the air. 

Honestly, I can't even remember what she looks like. 

The door bell rings. 

"Hm?" I hum out. 

I walk over to the door and open it. 

"Kushida." I say. Not much of a greeting is it?

"I haven't been able to get it out of my head. I hate to bug you about it, but do you have any idea what Horikita was talking about today?" 

We both go outside and walk so I can explain it.

"Even if Sudo acting in self-defence, that's not the root of the problem. 

It's a bigger issue than just that." 

I say while already explaining. 

"Huh?" Kushida says. 

"Sudo is always talking trash and being aggressive towards other people. He lashes out over nothing. 

Which makes people inevitably hate him. He comes off as a jerk pretty much all the time." 

I pause because she's still confused and sigh.  

"So, hypothetically, say... a murder takes place. There are two suspects, one of whom is known to commit murder in the past.

Now imagine that the other is a moral law abiding citizen. Which one of them would you believe?"

"I guess I'd believe the law-abiding citizen." Kushida says. 

"But the truth is, the so-called good guy can be the murderer.

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