Chapter Two: Take It Slow

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Kiyotaka POV & Present Tense:

Not long after that, the class started to split up into clicks.

Shira walks into class too, and takes the seat behind me. She's got a small triangle sandwich in her hand. 

"Is that the bread from before?" I ask. 

"Yeah, like I said, that was gonna be my food for the week.." She says back. 

From what I've learned, Shira acts a lot like me, I mean our tone of voice at least. 

And her reactions to things is basically 'oh' or nothing, like me.

"...this beauty was a mere 80 000 points, we get 100 000 thousand more later so it was a steal!" Someone says. 

"Looks like people have lost their sense of... well sensibility really." Izumi says. 

"Yeah, no kidding. This place could turn a poor man into someone who buys anything you ask." I reply.

Unlike everyone else, I've failed to make any friends. Because I'm pretty sure just knowing peoples' names doesn't count. 

"You're both pathetic." Horikita says. 

"Yeah, well you're alone too." I retort. 

"That's true, but I for one prefer to be alone." She takes a bite of her sandwich which is probably filled with things like lettuce or meat.

But Shira over there just slathered on chocolate spread on her bread (lol rhyme x 2) and called it her breakfast. And she's not even eating it. 

"What about you, Shira? Do you 'prefer' to be alone as well?" I ask. 

"Not really. But I mostly am alone so... You get it, don't you?" She says, scooting her sandwich to the side. 

"You're not eating that?" I ask, confused. 

"You probably had a hearty breakfast at the cafeteria right?

 I understand how this would be weird to you. But I ate the other half before this." She says, looking out the window. 

She does realise that's still only half a sandwich, right?

"Actually, I haven't had anything to eat yet, I'm gonna hit up the cafeteria." I get up and start walking away. 

"And I'm gonna put this somewhere." She gets up and follows me. "Uhm, your names are Ayanokoji and Shira isn't it?"

Izumi's POV & Present Tense:

"Yeah." Ayanokoji says. 

"And you are... Kushida right? I also saw you on the bus." I say, looking at her. 

"I'm so impressed you both remember me! And, thanks once again for helping the old lady!" Kushida says to me. 

"It's really nothing." I walk up so I can stand next to Ayanokoji.

"So uhm, could we all talk for a sec?" 

I wonder what this is about. I have a feeling this is about Horikita--

"The reason I stopped you guys was that, you both and Horikita seem pretty close." 

Called it.

 "Well, I wouldn't go that far." We both say at the same time. 

 "Really? Well you guys are the only people she talks to in school, ever." 

I think her plan of making friends with everyone in school is now wrecked. 

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