Chapter Eight: Another Day, Another Weirdo

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Izumi's POV & Present Tense:

Well, at least the confrontation went well, 

they backed out and Horikita became the hero for Sudo again, 

that'll help her in the long run. 

"Thanks for lending us the points, Ichinose." I say to her, standing next to Ayanokoji. 

"No problem, an eye for an eye

and a lie for a lie." She says while smiling. 

She then glances at the cameras. 

"I never expected people with brains like you guys would be in D Class."

She's saying it as if it's a question.

Ayanokoji speaks up. 

"Well, Horikita came up with the whole Machiavelli scheme, 

we're just following orders to be honest." 

I nod along.

"U-huh. Well, if you say so!" She says, raising an eyebrow playfully. 

Suddenly, both Ayanokoji's and I's phones ring. 

It's Sakura?

I pick up. 

"What's up?" I ask.

"Shira, help!" She screams and the call stops. 

I look at Ayanokoji and he nods slightly. 

Time skip~~~

"We are destined to be together darling! 

I know you'll feel the same way!"

The sound of two phones taking a picture breaks this perverted moment. 

I move the phone slightly away from my face. 

(she looks like this but just the pose and no blush)

(she looks like this but just the pose and no blush)

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'Local Electronics Store Employee, Caught in the Act of Sexual Assault.' 

You're gonna be famous.

No, infamous is more accurate." Ayanokoji says.

The employee gets off of Sakura immediately.

"W-wait a minute! 

That's not what this is!" He shouts. 

The deadpan look on our faces stay completely the same. 

"By all means, explain. 

Remember, security cameras don't lie, so be careful what you say." I say bluntly. 

I point at the camera behind him.

He squirms and looks at us in fear and worry. 

"Even if it was just an attempt, 

The Black Room's Escapee - OC x AyanokojiWhere stories live. Discover now