Chapter Ten: Partners in Crime, Without the Partner Part.

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Ayanokoji's POV & Present Tense:

Everyone struggles to keep up with Koenji, what is he, a monkey? 

He swings through the trees as if it is his first time back in the wild. 

"Huh." I say, looking at him. 

Sakura is struggling the most to keep up. 


It's hard to walk in the forest, huh?" She comments. 

I shrug. 

"And it's hot, on top of that.

Will you be okay, Sakura?" Ayanokoji asks. 

She stops panting to smile and nod and we move on, trying to catch up to Koenji. 

Ayanokoji says something about how Koenji does things with complete confidence.

What's Koenji's deal? I thought he'd be walking, since he acts like the type to hate the outdoors, 

but never mind, I guess. 

"Guys, let's pick up the pace." Ayanokoji almost orders. 

Sakura lags behind and I jog next to him. 

They go back and forth in a little conversation and then I call to Koenji. 

"Koenji! Don't go too fast, or-" 

He stops, and hangs on a branch and looks behind. 

"No need to worry, 

a forest like this is no problem!" He replies. 

Ayanokoji asks, 

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

He's right, though. 

"As long as it's during the day,

there's a low chance of getting lost while wandering in a forest like this one.

That's why it intrigues me so." 

He really is one of the strangest people here. 

He leaps through the branches without a care in the world. 

"He keeps moving faster." Ayanokoji reports. 

We turn back and see Sakura lagging behind and panting some more.

"I-I'm okay," She manages to get out. 

After no less then a second, we lose him. 

"Lost sight of him." I say, looking around. 

"At how many kilometres an hour was he flying through the air?" Us two say at the same time. 

Probably around 15, honestly.

We turn around to see an already made path. That's not naturally occurring. 

"You think this is a path?" Sakura inquires. 

Obviously it is. But, yeah. 

"Looks like it." I reply. 

We all inch closer to the cave-looking place. Moss covering it all, but a big entrance at the front. 

There's dripstone, too. This is like a stereotypical secret lair kind of thing. 

Sakura exclaims in awe. 

"You think this is a spot?" She asks curiously. 

We both agree.

Only leaders can claim spots. Plus only every eight hours. The spot may very well be taken, but who's gonna stop our class from scolding us if we tell them we didn't investigate it?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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