Chapter 9: 'Idiots. I'm surrounded by idiots.'

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Izumi's POV & Present Tense: 

Why am I here...? 

I'm literally stuck with the perverted trio, 

only having Ayanokoji with me. 

At a french restaurant, on the cruise?

Why me...?

"Uh, sorry,

 but I just remembered that Kushida asked me to come with her for something,

bye." I say quickly. 

I walk away, a little fast and glance and Ayanokoji, 

before leaving.

He'll be fine, what's the worst they can do?

I'm pretty sure I can just go in my room or whatever for a few hours. 

As I walk off, 

I bump into someone accidentally. 

"Uh, sorry." I quickly say. 

I look up, and it's Kakeru Ryuuen, 

now that's not a person you bump into often. 

I shouldn't converse with him. 

I start to walk away, 

but then he grabs my arm. 


hold on, there." He says, 




This isn't a good spot to be in. 

"Shirayuki, right?" I internally sigh in relief. 

He got it wrong so I guess he won't be able to find me again if I slip out now, 

or at least it'll be hard. 

I slip out of his grasp,  

and walk away. 

(Time skip~~~)

I walk up to the bar and sit next to Horikita. 

Ayanokoji follows a little after, 

and we sit with me in the middle 

of the two. 

"You two came fast." Horikita says.

I shrug. 

"What'd you call us out for?"  Ayanokoji asks.

She doesn't hesitate for her response. 

"Do you think this trip is going to remain as a mere vacation?" 

I hear two friends walking away from the place, 

they're definitely not in our class. 


why am I focusing on that? 

"There's probably more to it." I nonchalantly voice. 

Horikita agrees. 

"The ship is headed for a boarding house on a South Seas Island owned by the school, 

isn't it? 

When we get there..." Ayanokoji trails off. 

Horikita glances back down at her book. 

"We can't let our guard down." 

As soon as she finishes that sentence, 

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