Chapter Five: Lies.

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Before we start, thank you to NightOwl322, zPKNo_LuKaSFenrir, and Buckmagister for voting on some of my past chapters! I'm sure I already said this on all of your... What are they called? 

I'm just gonna say 'feeds' so yeah. 

Thanks again!

Now to start the chapter!


Izumi's POV & Present Tense:

I walk to the elevator and it looks like Kushida and Horikita are sharing one. Huh, that's not something you see everyday...

"Hi, Shira!" Kushida says in a cheery voice. 

The events of last night flash in my head. 

I'm tempted to just walk away but I shake the thoughts off and walk closer.

"Hi Kushida, can I join this elevator with you guys?" 

Horikita looks a little bit angry this morning but nods. 

So I walk in. 

After a bit of time, we all go to the boy's level because someone called it. 

And the elevator door opens at a yawning Ayanokoji.

Horikita stares at Ayanokoji.

"You getting in or are you just standing there?" She says.

"Getting in. Why would I do anything else?" Ayanokoji walks in and stands next to me. 

"Good morning, how are you doing today? Looks like you got some wicked bedhead going on." Kushida says.

"Bedhead is back in style these days y'know." He sarcastically says. 

She laughs.

"Eh heheh! You're hilarious! you can always crack me up." Kushida says while playing with a strand of her hair.

I have to live in the same building with her for the next three years. Great.

He leans in to talk to Horikita.

"What's going on here? Seeing you and Kushida standing together is weird-" He starts to say.

"She was waiting for me at my door." She says. 

The door opens and we all get out. 

A girl from the elevator next to us jogs over, calling Kushida. 

Oh it's Ichinose from that fighting incident. 

Kushida and Ichinose start talking about the missing points that we were supposed to get.

Time skip to the alley/behind the school scene~~~

Turns out, Ichinose invited Ayanokoji to talk somewhere and he asked me to come with him. 

Basically, I'm comic relief right now.

"Oh, hi there, sorry about this." Ichinose says. 

"That's a strange greeting." I say. 

"Oh, Shira was it?" She says.

Ichinose sticks her head out to look at me from in front of him. 

"Yes that's me. Pardon my intrusion, Ayanokoji asked me to come with him." I turn around but I hear Ichinose to tell me to wait. 

"Actually, this is a lot easier to say with another girl around." She says.  

I turn back to face them. 

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