i can explain

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"I can't believe you're finally back after being with your boyfriend for so long" Tommy exclaimed, "ALSO GUESS WHAT! I'm taller then gogy! "
George is still in the neighborhood? " quackity asked Phil
"Yeah", he and dream moved in together after sapnap moved out with you and karl". Phil claimed," The two caused me to file four noises complaint."
Quackity then bust out laughing at complaint
Soon Tommy and Phil started laughing
The three then sat on the couch and talking. Phil then made quackity and himself come tea after Tommy left to go see tubbo.
"Soo... Why did you come back?. Phil asked him" I thought you and your fiancés were happy." Well.... We had a big fight, Phil sapnap said maybe we should split up and by we I mean separate away from me and him and karl live together" quackity clamied, "A.. And..now Phil"
He raised his shirt to reveal his pregnant stomach. "I-im fucking pregnant with their kid after a heated hate sex... "
Phil didn't say anything. He stood up and walked up to quackity. Quackity braced himself to get hit or yelled at.. He opened his eyes to see Phil fucking Minecraft hugging him. Quackity sobbed harshly and hugged back. The two stayed like that until quackity calmed down "did you bring anything? " Phil Asked qauckity. Qauckity nodded"m-my car, three suitcases, and my old phone". Qauckity clamied. "Okay, hand me your phone because we're getting you a fucking new phone without karl and sapnap' number and a new job. " Phil claimed, "are all your picture saved on the cloud?" Quackity nodded and took a deep breathe. "What about bad or skeppy?" Quackity asked. "I'll give their number and I'll give them your new number." Phil told him, "but right now we have a bigger matter to worry about. Your baby and-" WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!". The two turned to see wilbur soot and technoblade. The two were staring at quackity.
"Oh hell" quackity wispered softly."Alexis...you're back? "Wilbur asked.
" it's quackity now, will."plilza told him, "and he goes by he/him pronouns now not she/her". " my mistake... Quackity, what are you doing here? "Wilbur asked crossing his arms over his chest. " more importantly.... Who the fuck got you pregnant? "Techno asked, " AND WHO'S BLOOD DO WE NEED TO SHED?"
"Oh my god" Phil claimed and face palmed"N-No now guys"quackity clained,"plus it's a long story."
"We've got time. " Wilbur told him, "so tell us" quackity sighed and told his story.

(So for taking so long to do it just try to figure out what start to put for the story quackity with tell them. And thank for reading this plus I was happy,  love you all and byeeeeeeeee😊)

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