appointment with ponk

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Quackity wakes up so nervous about seeing ponk for the appointment but Wilbur says there is nothing to be nervous about that the baby is fine and if something happens he will be there with him along the way but they were so wrong about the appointment. As they in the car quackity was holding wilbur hand and to wilbur eyes he can see the nervous taking over  but he just sit they holding his hand as a why to support him the way, when they going to the place they just wait for the name to be call out but quackity had a bad feeling about the appointment” quacks..quackity” someone call him out the thought “huh..” quacks spokes back as he look at the voice that talk to him wilbur, wilbur was the one who spoke to him “are you still they?” “ they calls now lets go'' quackity got up and was walking with wilbur by his side, all of the sudden everything in his eye was dizziness then his breath was short and his walk was shaken wilbur was up ahead and turn to look if he was falling him but he see quackity not they. Quackity was running from something but who was he running from. 

“GET BACK  HERE NOW” yells a voice that he wishes he can never hear ever again  “no…. No … no …no …no ….. No … st..stop “ he say with a shaken voice tears were fulling” please i didn’t mean to let this happen.” “ really you would rather die giving that thing life”, “ this thing is our kid and i rather die than let my baby die” all of the sudden blood was dripping from his leg “ no…………….no……no………MY BABY” he shouted then it want black
















“Quackity look at me everything is going to be fine i promise you please look at me and breathe” wilbur was with him and holding him like he was going to disappear off the world and to never come back but that was him thinking “w..what happened?” spoke quackity “ you left my side and i look everywhere and i found you out here crying about something saying no no every time i get close to you… is everything fine or do i need to know something” wilbur say in calm ton to him like it was nothing to him but it was something to him “ no i’m fine just need this to over with” quackity say as he gets back up and walk back to the place and into the office of the place like it was nothing to him..
thank you for waiting even tho i was gone and i'm sorry but school got so crazy and i had a lot of thing to do but i will update on the weekends or maybe on fridays so byeeee my little ducks.

This.. This is our child... (quackbur) Where stories live. Discover now