were are we at now

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" you are going to be sharing a room with wilbur or do you want to share with tommy.?" kindly ask philza" i think it's fine with wil becouse i think tom with not like me hogging the room with my pregent belly with my kids." replay quackity well rubbing his belly" I'm fine with that Alex" said wilbur as he pop out of his room to see then talking"for now we are going to look for  jobs online or maybe go in person so we can see more if that fine with you quackity?." philza spoke to quackity who just nod his head and went down stairs to the living room where his suitcase are."so what do you think the gender are of the baby he is having" ask wilbur" idk but I'm going for a girl we don't need no more boys here, what about you" i thinks it's going to be a boy just you wait". wilbur say with a smirk on his face "for now go help him out wil" shout philza as he walks away to tommy room.wilbur just look to see if quackity need help and by look he does so wilbur went down, put his hand down on the handly quackity look at him" why are you doing this?" " just want to help you becouse you look like you was struggle with this one" quackity look to the side in a shy why but just gigged, so quackity let him have the other suitcase and walk back up the stairs and to wilbur's room " so you will be sleeping on my bed and i will be sleeping in the air mattress, we can't have you and your baby sleeping on that" said wilbur to quackity as he fix the bed for him just in case he need to sleep just now." thx you don't have to do this for use you know." yah but i feel like and i don't want philza to be mad at me for doing this to you Alex". replay wilbur " yah thanks you maybe this will not be so bad after all." quackity sit down on the bed and rub his belly and the baby just start to kick just a little bit " really you have to do this now" what..?" wil ask qauckity and he look at him in the face" nothing just the baby are kicking me thats all" replay quackity to wilbur as he lay down" can....umm... can I touch your belly?" wilbur ask nicely "sure why not, I think they with fight you but it will be fine." say quackity as he close his eyes. wilbur walk over to the bed and sit down, put his hand on the belly and was hit with a kick at first with a happy faces popping up on him with a smile and he look at quackity to see him find with it but as a little bit past the kicking stop and wilbur look at quackity to see him a sleep and the kicking stop and he was quastion why did the kicking stop but he just left it like that and walk to the kitchen to make something for the family and maybe quackity special food for him if he want more but different food or craving anything. When he was done with the food and call everyone down and he went to his room and wake up quackity"  hey quackity It's time to eat, can you come down so you can eat and not get hungry letter"can I get five more mins please" sleeply quackity say" no come on up and at then" say wilbur as he put up quackity "noooooo" whisper. At the table on the left was wilbur and techno, on the left was tommy and tubbo becouse he want to come over for dinner and at the end of the other side was philza and next to him was his wife  to the next side of the end was quackity they was eating spaghetti and meatealls( with a little bit help from phliza and the miss) " nice to see you again Alex it has been a long time seen i see you when you left, how are you?" ask kristin quackity as she look at him." well...i have been better just right not just need to work on my belly for my child on the way ( he is saying that becouse they don't know about the twins)" do you know the gender of the baby are how many you having" curiously ask tubbo "yes i do" replay quackity," did you have a baby shower?"   question techno with wilbur nod his head to agreement, quackity shook his head no "maybe we can make one next week so we can be ready for the baby if that fine with you" philza jump in" yah i'm fine with that so next week we all can planned but for now i'm starving right now". say quackity they all ate with smiles on they faces even techno.

This.. This is our child... (quackbur) Where stories live. Discover now