continue one day 1

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(added prince royce because i love his songs and i know you will ) As kristin say they are going to love the place they are going to look for baby stuff” I for real you are going to love this place quackity it have everything you will need for the baby and more”,” yah right mom your just saying that” replay wilbur as he laugh in the back of the car but quackity just hit him the head” what was that for?” “ Be nice to your mom Wilbur” speaks quackity and with that he gives him a mean look at Wilbur who just sits there with his mouth closed and now Kristin was laughing at them.” aww you guys are so cute”,say kristin as she look at quackity and wilbur with they faces red like it was on fire but it was funny to her to he her son have fun with a pregnant boy( remember quackity is trans in my story but he not in real life)” were here” yell kristin as the boys are still red form what happen and what she say but they got out of the car because they want to get this over with and it makes it better. As they stepped into the store and quackity was going crazy about what was they and Wilbur there was no color in the face but Kristin was going crazy as well because of the stuff they add to that place now they were spanding philza money.” wilbur what do you think about this'' quackity spock as he step out of the changing room with the overalls that are light brown “...ummm'' wilbur was red in the face, and kristin was just all happy in the pace and was going to take a picture, and use it as blackmail later.” what about this…” as he stepped out with a flower dress” wow you look so pretty with your belly showing, ahhh, i’m so happy”. Say kristin in a smile showing, wilbur was just in space right now,

                                          One mins later

“ omg look at this wilbur this is so pretty”, quackity cheerful say,” they so cute look”, speak as he look back at the other stuff,” oh quackity do you know what gender are the baby,”said kristin,” no” quackity speak as he look for more,” i can make appointment with ponk then”, “ ahhh i’m going to cry,” quackity was going to say “ what gender do you think it is wilbur'', “ i think it’s going to be a girl,” “ no it’s a boy”, “ yah right,” wilbur say “ oh yah “ quackity and wilbur are going to fight but kristin stap in and say cut it out now or they will have to clean the home and that means the room as well, that means it have to be techno room and no one  like that room because it give” if you go in, i kill you vibes” so they stop just because. Techno is a scary person to have in the family and clean his room is more scary then seen a flying bug.

(thank you Thebeekid_  for the names, and i will give you a hint about the next story i'm thinking about writing it's about the qsmp and it happens to be about two person who face things togather and one happens to have problem, until i finish this then the next one will come.soooooooooooooooooo byeeeeeeeeeeeee love you all)

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