part two of the appointment with ponk

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Wilbur was thinking about what happen because for what he know was that quackity was outside having a panic attack about something and he didn’t know why was he having one in the first place but quackity didn’t  Answer him in the first place, So after the appointment is going to  confront him about it after the appointment is over.

Quackity pov


Why did I think that, what happened to me?, it’s not going to happen to me again, my baby will live and if it happens i can’t let it happen then. “ quacks are you sure you fine” Finally wilbur spoke “ yah i’m fine now just need to breathe that’s all”  quackity Reply back to him as he looks at his belly. Then the door open and it was ponk “ quackity it’s good to see you again” ponk say as he close the door “ i’m good just want to see how are my baby doing”. “ that’s good .. oh is he your new boyfriend now if so i have to say i never like your other lovers “ ponk spoke as he looks at wilbur then back to quackity, “ n-”, yes i’m his boyfriend” wilbur say as he cut quackity off. Quackity gives him the look like i’m going to kill you in the car. “ Well let's get this over with then, all i need is to Check check you and the baby on how you are doing so far.” will it come to the Ultrasound the baby heart beats was like music to quackity and wilbur but to quackity it was like he can hear his baby speaking to him and he just want to hold then now but he had to wait on what ponk says about the kids '' so as you can see the head the lags and they face'', wait did he say they face'' and to the looks of it you are having twins are you happy” ponk say with a smile on his face,” omg”, wilbur was crying because he his ‘boyfriend’ was having twins, quackity was just in some many Emotions at this point,” do you want to know the gender of the babies” “ yes please” quackity finally say “ you are having girls Congrats '' ponk say as he was Leaving but stop “ sorry to Ruined the moment but i need to talk to you after this'' he say as le close the door to give them Privacy” quackity was crying as he was hugging wilbur now that he knows he having girl he want nothing to do was to cry about it to his fake boyfriend. ponk comeback to Finish the appointment so they can go home.” so quackity the baby is Healthy but if you want to have them i need you to Careful because with the last baby you was going to have can kill you During birth so please be careful” that was all he had say to them then he left them to think.'' Alex…” wilbur spoke but quackity was scared because this happened last time with his ex love” what happen to the last Pregnancy you had, and why didn’t you say anything about this” “i…i can’t …i was scared that you guys want me to get rid of it if you find out”. “But you didn’t think that maybe it’s best if you think it Through because if it goes bad you can die and the kid will not have a mother or father to take care of them” wilbur spoke as he  got up qauckity knows he was mad “ want to keep them because i want to have kids and if i have to die to have them alive then so be it'' quackity look away “ but what about the people who love you or want to help you, you can’t leave then,”  “ you can’t change my mind so let's just go now “ “ fine but i’m going to keep talk about this in the car” wilbur say in a anger ton. They walk back to the car and Wilbur was ranting about why quackity should let others know or about keeping then” I’M KEEPING THEN AND YOU CAN”T STOP ME SOOT. quackity shouted as he got out of the car” IF YOU THINK I’M GOING TO LET YOU DIE THEN YOU ARE WRONG”. “ THEY ARE MY KIDS AND LAST I CHECK YOU WAS MY ROOMMATE NOT MY LOVER SO STAY OUT OF IT” ,”NO IF MY ROOMMATE IS GOING TO DIE GIVE LIKE TO THAT THING THAT IS GOING TO KILL HIM” “ THEM MAYBE I CAN SLEEP SOMEWHERE YOU DON”T HAVE TO SEE ME THEN SOOT “.” THAT’S FINE WITH ME ALEX”. And with that quackity was in the livingroom cry and wilbur was in his room crying because he was falling for someone who going to die if he was going to give birth to the beautiful babies he want to see if quackity just listen to him.than a Knock on the door stopped him in  mid thinking”  hey how you feeling mate” philza  say as he opened the door halfway”  you were kind of loud you know that” he say as he close the door behind him and walk to wilbur” you know it's kind of hurtful to say things like that to a pregnant person” he say as philza sit next to him”You don't get it he is willing to  die for his babies” wilbur say with  tears running down “ yeah I heard but look in his perspective he just wants his baby” “ but i’m going to lose him if does so this” “ yah you will but you will have something to remember him if he Let's you Be the second parent “ philza say “ You're right I should go talk to him “ wilbur was going to get up when he was stop by philza “ he with Techno, he sleeping in his room for now until be feel like it’s the best way for him” philza say as he was walking to the door” maybe you should talk to him in the morning before he leaves to his job.’ as he was done he left wilbur to think on how he was going to Apologize to him but he was going to save it for later.
( sorry for all of this in one story  but you all ask for this so here it is byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my little ducks)

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