quackity and techno talk

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As quackity was crying in the living room he was put up to his feet and was hug but by who techno” quackity why are you doing this” techno spoke, quackity know what he want to hear but he didn’t want to say it here” can we go to your room please” quackity say softy to him “ yah lets go to my room” techno put quackity down and was walking to his room with quackity behind him. He open the door and let quackity in and close it behind, they walk to the bed and sit on it “do you want to talk about the Problem earlier” techno spoke first in the room “ well it’s a long story for me and i don’t want to make you mad or be like soot” quackity say with a sad sound, “ try me maybe i’m different from the others and i like to know you better then when we were kids here”. Spoke techno as he looked at pictures of them when they were young, “ fine you say so techno”  quackity look down at his belly.


“Love, are you ready for the appointment to see how our baby is doing?”  spoke his lover  ,” yah let me just get water then we can go “ quackity shout from the kitchen, then he walked to the front door where his lover was at with his car then he locked the door and hopped in the car to get to the appointment. Quackity was sitting waiting to the Doctor to come in to tell him about the day he was do or something Else  but all he can think about was what is his baby going to look like him or his Partner, then the door open and it was his partner with his water because he left it in the car as he was walk to him and sit down next to him with the water in his hand, he Pass it over to him with a smile as he put his hand on the belly” i can’t wait to see caleb love”, “ caleb that's the name for the baby honey?” quackity Reply to his love “ yes it is and i will let you pick the other names out if you want another baby “ say his partner” you know me two well honey “, then the doctor  walk it the room to tell them the new that hurt his heart to hear what was going to happen ,then they left the place in Silence. When they got home quackity was sitting on the Couch well. His lover was standing up”we can’t have this baby love, we have to get Rid of it”spoke his partner, “no'' say quackity as tears  came down his face.” i don’t want to get rid of caleb'' quackity spoke softly as he look at his belly with his hand Rubbing it “ I DON’T CARE I CAN’T NOT LOST YOU IN THE PROCESS'' yell his partner “WELL YOU CAN'T MAKE ME GET RID OF THE BABY'' shouted quackity as he stand up from the couch, “DAN''T MAKE ME DO IT MYSELF”, “ YOU COME NEAR ME I WILL CALL THE COPS ON YOU”, “ IF YOU DO SO THEN WHO GOING TO TAKE CARE OF THE BABY IF YOU DIE “. quackity was feeling something red come down his leg and his partner was look at his face then his leg with a scared face, quackity look down and all he see was red coming down his leg “ no….no…no…no..no” he say with tears coming fast “MY BABY HE GONE NOOO” then everything went black as he can hear was his ex saying” no wakeup stay with me please” 


“Next i wake up in the Hospital to see my big belly gone and i broke up with my ex that day after that,” as he say with tear coming down and him hugging his belly like it was going to happen to him again” maybe it Best if you go to sleep for you don’t have to think about it and don’t worry i will be looking out for you until you go to work Tomorrow “ Techno say as he hug quackity to move him to the bed to get good night sleep and then he left the room to get the Air mattress. Quackity was left in the dark and he looked at his belly and hugged them because they were kicking like they were mad or just wanted to cheer their mama up and quackity understood and he said “ don’t worry girls mama’s fine lets sleep now” and with that he fell asleep now. 

( yah i know sad, sorry my duck.i will make a happy stary later maybe,well byweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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