Chapter 14: Blast from the past (part 2)

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Dear Diary,

Today has been quite an eventful day, to say the least. I was enjoying a peaceful walk in the forest, listening to the whistling of the wind through the trees and the enchanting melodies of the birds while sitting on a carpet of green, when suddenly I heard the sound of vehicles in the middle of the forest. It seemed out of place, so I climbed up a tree to get a better look, only to realize that I had fallen into a trap!

Before I knew it, I was waking up inside a cage, feeling stiff from being tied up with my hands behind my back and legs bound together. As I gathered intel on my surroundings, I realized I was in a rundown warehouse, the ceiling was so old it threatened to fall any minute, and then I realized a man was watching. I recognized him as the man I had encountered during my mission with Black Lotus the day before. He seemed to know me and claimed to be my uncle, but I was skeptical.

He tried to sound sweet, asking me how I was doing and telling me that my father, whom I believed was a criminal, actually wanted me to come home. He also mentioned Athena, who he claimed was my instructor, Black Lotus. He said that I was part of a program to conquer the world funded by the government and that Black Lotus had deceived me. I couldn't help but feel torn between what he was saying and my loyalty to Black Lotus, who had trained me and I had always trusted.

"Why I should believe someone who had just kidnapped me?" I said in anger and disbelief. He apologized and explained that he was afraid I would hurt him and not listen. He then ordered his guards to free me from the cage, and as soon as I was out, I tried to attack him with my martial arts skills. However, he was one step ahead of me and stopped my every move with his bare hands. I realized that he was highly skilled as well.

He handed me a slip of paper with his number on it, urging me to confront Black Lotus. Then, in a cloud of gas, he disappeared with his guards, leaving me standing there, feeling conflicted and unsure of whom to trust.

I flew to the agency base via jetpack, rushing to learn the truth. I kicked down the door to Black Lotus' office and asked if the man we met on the previous mission was my uncle. The calm, focused face of Black Lotus was quickly replaced with one of shock and fear - emotions I had never seen on her before. She remained silent, and in that silence, I found my answers.

Angry, scared, and confused, I left. As I was halfway through the exit of the building, I bumped into Agent K. He asked what was wrong, but overcome with anger and grief, I slapped him, leaving him confused.

As I stormed out of the agency base, I couldn't shake the turmoil inside me. Was my father, not a criminal? Was Black Lotus hiding something from me? And who was my uncle? I needed answers, and I needed them fast. I decided to call the number my uncle had given me and confront him directly.

The call went through, and my uncle answered. His voice was calm, but I could sense the tension underneath. I demanded to know the truth - why did he kidnap me? Why was he claiming to be my uncle now? And what did he know about my father and Black Lotus?

My uncle took a deep breath and began to explain. He revealed that he had been searching for me for years, ever since my father disappeared. He claimed that my father was not a criminal, but rather a victim of a government conspiracy. Black Lotus was not who she seemed to be, but rather an agent of the government, manipulating me and using me for their agenda.

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't believe what I had heard. So K deceived me and didn't even love me. I started to cry and realized my "uncle" was still on the line. I quickly held back my tears as my uncle consoled me, giving me the option to get revenge on Black Lotus and her agents or to live a happy life, return to school, and have friends. I chose the first option and planned the demise of the organization.

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