Chapter 15: Blast from the past (part 3)

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Dear Diary,

After weeks of training, I was ready to face the organization, but I still can't believe the real villains were right in front of me all along. While I understand Tracy and Black Lotus betraying me, I don't understand why Kevin would hurt me.

"Sera," my uncle said, snapping me out of my daydream.

"I would like you to meet Tracy!"

"We meet again, Seraphina," she said in a cunning tone.

"Do you mind leaving us alone?" she told my uncle.

"What's going on? Explain it to me now!" I demanded furiously.

"Let me spell it out for you, firstly: that man is not your uncle; secondly: you are now a traitor, not only to K but also to the government."

"How?" I asked.

She sighed as she explained furiously, "You have run away without permission, joined forces with the enemy, and assaulted an agent." "I am sure those are all very serious crimes that could land you in hot soup, Seraphina."

She left laughing like a maniac, and as the sound of her mocking echoed through my ears, I slowly realized what had just happened. I couldn't go back to the agency; I didn't even have a family to go back to. I collapsed to the floor, and I realized I had no other option but to call my best friend Ella.

As I knocked on the door to Ella's house, her parents greeted me warmly. I needed a hug.

"We haven't seen you in a while; we were told you relocated with your parents," Ella's dad said.

"Come on in, honey," her mom welcomed me in, and as I walked in, my bestie Ella hugged me.

As I sat down for dinner, the aroma of homemade spaghetti sauce wafted from the kitchen, filling the air with a comforting and familiar scent. The dining table was set with a checkered red and white tablecloth, and the flickering candlelight cast a warm glow, creating a cozy atmosphere.

As I took my first bite, I savored the flavors that exploded on my tongue—the tanginess of the tomato sauce, the richness of the beef, and the hint of garlic and herbs.

Around the table, the family chatted and laughed, their voices mingling in a symphony of familiar sounds. As the meal progressed, I felt a sense of warmth spreading through me—not just from the delicious food but also from the sense of belonging and connection that filled the room. It was a feeling I had been missing for a while, and it warmed my heart.

After we finished eating, I excused myself from the table and headed upstairs with Ella, who eagerly followed me. We sat on my bed, and I opened up to her, sharing my thoughts and feelings about recent events.

"I don't know what to do," I said. My voice choked with emotion, tears welling up in my eyes as I poured my heart out to Ella.

"It's okay," Ella said softly, reaching out to offer me a comforting hand. "You can stay with us for as long as you like. We'll figure this out together."

I appreciated her kind words, but a sense of unease crept in. "It won't work," I said, my voice trembling. "Your parents will get suspicious soon, and I don't want to cause any trouble for your family."

Ella's brow furrowed in concern as she tried to reassure me. "I don't think they'll mind. You're like family to us."

I appreciated her offer, but my mind was already made up. "I guess I will run away," I said, my voice determined.

"No, you can't do that," Ella said urgently, gripping my hand tighter. "There must be another solution."

I shook my head, tears streaming down my cheeks. "I have no choice," I replied, my voice wavering. "I can't stay here anymore."

Despite Ella's protests, I couldn't be dissuaded. I was firm in my decision to leave tonight, no matter how hard it would be. As we continued to talk, the hours passed, but I couldn't focus on anything else. The room was dimly lit, with only a small lamp casting a warm glow, and the soft sound of our voices mingled with the rustling of the leaves outside the window.

We played a board game, the sound of dice rolling and pieces moving providing a brief distraction from the weight of my decision. We chatted about our shared memories and inside jokes, laughter mingling with tears.

When we finally went to bed, I felt anguish as I apologized to Ella in a letter and set off into the night.

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