Chapter 19: Intrigue at the Mansion

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Dear Diary,

Tracy and I, partners in our mission but acting as rivals, haven't had any communication regarding our progress. The silence from her end has left me curious and on edge.

As I walked down the school hallway, a familiar voice called out to me—it was Mia.

"Sera, Sera, my father approved!" Mia exclaimed, her eyes brimming with excitement.

A sense of satisfaction washed over me as I realized Tracy was likely falling behind. "That's fantastic! When can I come over?"

"Tomorrow, Saturday."

The anticipation grew as Saturday arrived. It marked my first visit to Mia's residence, and my curiosity about her world consumed me. I made sure to dress appropriately, wanting to make a good impression.

As I stepped onto the grounds of Mia's house, a surge of awe overcame me. The sprawling mansion stood amidst meticulously maintained gardens, emanating an aura of elegance and sophistication. Mia greeted me at the door, her face beaming with joy, eager to show me around.

"Welcome, Sera! I'm thrilled that you're here," Mia exclaimed, her eyes shining with genuine excitement.

The opulence surrounding me was undeniable, and I couldn't help but be impressed. "Thank you, Mia. Your house is incredible!"

Mia became my guide, leading me through the lavish halls adorned with portraits depicting the lineage of her family. Each painting told a story, revealing the heritage and grandeur that Mia came from. As we strolled past intricately decorated rooms, I caught glimpses of rare artwork and antique furniture, each piece a testament to the refined taste of her family.

Finally, we arrived at Mia's spacious bedroom—a sanctuary of comfort and self-expression. The walls were adorned with posters of her favorite bands and artists, melding elegance with youthful energy.

"It's my sanctuary," Mia said, her voice filled with pride. "A place where I can be myself and indulge in my passions."

In the sanctuary of Mia's room, our conversation took on a deeper tone. She shared her dreams, ambitions, and hurdles growing up in a prestigious family. This vulnerable side of Mia revealed a complexity that went beyond her confident and carefree persona at school.

Knock, knock.

"Come in!" Mia beckoned, and a maid entered the room.

"The master requests your presence, Miss Bloomberg," the maid informed Mia.

Mia turned to me, motioning for me to stay. "You stay here, Sera."

As Mia left the room, my inquisitiveness got the better of me, and I silently followed her. It was part of my duty and mission. As we trod down the halls, I noticed an air of refined luxury permeating the atmosphere—the polished wood and the scent of fresh flowers added to the mystique. Finally, we arrived at a set of grand double doors, their slow swing revealing a room of significance and grandeur.

The warm, golden light from a majestic chandelier bathed the room. Intricate patterns adorned the walls, presenting scenes from a bygone era. As Mia stepped inside, an unmistakable air of authority and secrecy surrounded us.

"Take a seat!" boomed a commanding voice, drawing our attention to an imposing figure behind a large mahogany desk. It was none other than Mr. Bloomberg, Mia's father—a presence that evoked both awe and intimidation.

Those few words spoken in the room changed everything. "Well done, Mia, for handling project AIDEN while I was away. Who else but my daughter is more suited to handling it?"

"Project AIDEN as in the AI project made to control the world from the shadows!" I thought to myself.
Mia's involvement in the project sent my thoughts racing. How could someone I considered a friend be connected to something so significant and potentially dangerous? But then again in the world of espionage, trust is a luxury I cannot afford, and if it comes down to it, I may have to take her down. The only person I can truly trust is K, but it has been a while since I last heard from him. I miss his presence.

"Before you leave, I must remind you to be careful of your friends. Some people don't want to see the project succeed and there could be spies lurking around!" Mr. Bloomberg cautioned Mia.

"Yes, Father. I will be careful," Mia responded, determination lacing her voice.

As Mia exited the room, I made my way back to her bedroom with a sense of urgency and a mind swirled with questions. The subsequent conversation with Mia upon her return felt like a blur, as I eagerly awaited her slumber. My focus shifted to the need to investigate the house. The truth lies somewhere within its walls.

Finally, when I was certain Mia was asleep, I meticulously searched every inch of her bedroom. From her computer to every hidden corner, I left no stone unturned, yet found no trace of useful information. My determination grew, and I knew I had to take the next step to uncover the truth. I decided to explore the master bedroom, believing it held the key.

As I cautiously entered the master bedroom, ensuring I remained undetected, I scanned the room. It was pristine and exuded an air of authority, but I needed to be thorough. I meticulously checked every possible hiding spot, opening doors and cabinets, searching for any clue that could give me any info on the project.

While at it I made sure to download the data on Mr Bloomberg's computer, when it was done I checked the bathroom but found nothing just as I was about to give up, my eyes fell upon a small, yellow button hidden beneath the bathtub. Intrigued, I couldn't resist the urge to investigate further. But just as I reached out to press it, a voice boomed behind me.

"What are you doing here?"

The unexpected interruption startled me, and I turned around to face the imposing figure of Mr. Bloomberg, his eyes piercing through me. I scrambled to find an explanation, my mind racing to come up with a plausible excuse.

Note from author:

If you are reading this please vote and comment it really supports me, I know no one hardly ever reads these 😩😞

Crystal Out!

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