Chapter 21: Unveiling the Chamber

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Dear Diary,

At 6 in the morning, a resonating bell pierced the morning silence, waking up every inhabitant of the mansion from their sleep. Still feeling, I contemplated sleeping in.

"Sera, Sera, wake up!" Mia boomed at me

"OK, okay, I am up," I replied grumpily.

"Sera, you have to wake up for roll call."

At that moment, I found myself pondering to myself, "Is this some sort of military drill?" Regardless, we descended the grand staircase to find Mia's father, Mr. Bloomberg, sitting in the living room ever so menacingly.

"Mia!" his voice boomed.

"Here, sir!" she responded,

"Our guest, Sera."

"Here, sir."

Then commenced the summoning of the entire household staff—the butler and others— which probably consumed a substantial twenty minutes.

Aware of the ticking clock and the need to find more evidence, an opportunity presented itself when Mr. Bloomberg had an emergency business meeting. With much ease, I diverted Mia's attention, slipping away to explore the hidden chamber once more. As I wandered deeper into the basement, my search unveiled an inconspicuous brick, revealing a secret room populated by menacing robots, unmistakably designed for substantial mayhem. Hastily, I extracted my phone to capture evidence, only to have it snatched away in an instant of inattention.

"I never knew my daughter could be so foolish, and from the outset, I sensed an ominous aura about you, child. I will not allow you to disrupt my project," Mr. Bloomberg declared ominously behind me.

"I take it as a compliment, sir," I retorted, executing a backflip straight into a rogue robot. Alarms blared as the rouge machine started to attack me with rather chaotic moves. While subduing the adversary was no hard task, my focus wavered, allowing Mr. Bloomberg an opportunity to escape. Fortunately, help arrived in the form of a familiar face—Tracy, crashing through the walls.

"Tracy, what are you doing here?"

"Saving you. I've been scouring the building for this chamber. Can't believe you had to wait for a sleepover," she declared obnoxiously, swiftly securing Mr. Bloomberg.

"I suppose I owe you my gratitude."

"You're welcome. Now, let's dispatch him to the base; we have the evidence we need."

At that moment approaching footsteps instilled a sense of urgency. We hurriedly fled the scene with Mr. Bloomberg, delivering him to headquarters and awaiting further information.

The next day, en route to class, Mia intercepted me.

"Sera, you left so abruptly yesterday that I didn't have the chance to say goodbye."

"I am sorry; something came up."

"No problem. I won't keep you waiting," she responded, walking in the opposite direction just as the bell rang.

Navigating the classroom, I did a quick recap:

- Unveiled evidence of Project AIDEN.

- Remains uncertain of the elusive mastermind.

- Awaiting crucial intelligence from headquarters.

A sudden revelation struck me like a bolt of lightning: Mia holds vital knowledge about Project AIDEN. So that means she just might be the mastermind. How could I have been so stupid? My next target is certainly now her. I hope to get this mission over with and meet Kevin.

Now that I think of it I haven't heard from him in a while even the organization has been quiet about him. It seems I might have to investigate on my own.

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