chapter nineteen

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y/n pov

winter is finally over.

it feels like winter break was just last week but it's now the first day of march. the flowers will start blooming soon.

i'm pretty excited for the upcoming days. tomorrow is friday, meaning it's going to be classroom booths day, the day we've been preparing for this past week. and then, next week is the trip to france, which is even more exciting.

back to what happened during winter break... niki almost broke his foot and sunoo passed out from laughing too much.

let's just say that the gift exchange idea was not the smartest move because some of the stuff that was given was just... really unexpected. but at least jay liked his special mug and sunoo loved the pajama set i got him. jay got me an ipad that i will forever treasure. niki gave heeseung a pet rock, a giant pet rock. and the rest is what almost killed sunoo and broke niki's foot.

moving on from that, my dad came back for christmas day and we just spent it along with my brothers.

on new years, there was a party at my house where everyone came and we had a great time, as expected with the guys.

and after the break, everything is finally back to normal at school, except that i spend more time with heeseung.

or more like he spends more time with me, but does that even matter? i'm really enjoying these days.

right now, i'm in english class with niki. the whole class is supposed to be finalizing the ideas for our booth since the booths are made by the first period classes.

our theme is bowling. i know, pretty lame.

"okay, guys! we have a couple costumes available so we can make our booth popular and entertaining. who will be dressing up?" mr. choi asks us.

"i think you should do it" i whisper to niki.

"me? you do it" niki says defensively.

"yeah right, just so you-"

"you two in the back! are you willing to do it since you're talking it up back there?" mr. choi calls us out.

"yeah!" niki exclaims and i shoot him a glare.


"great! you two can decide which costume to wear. there's a bowling pin costume and a bowling ball costume" he tells us after writing down our names on the board.

"great..." i say dreadfully.

"hey, at least we don't have to do costumer service" niki laughs.


"don't forget to come after school to set up the classroom!" mr. choi exclaims one more time to the class before the bell rings.

"i can't believe you did that" i shove niki lightly.

"payback for almost getting us into trouble" he sticks his tongue out to me.

"ugh" i groan.

"hey guys!" wonyoung greets us in the hallway. "hey, did somebody spit in your breakfast or something?" wonyoung eyes me.

"somewhat" i side glare at niki who rolls his eyes.

"what happened?" wonyoung asks.

"we are the costume people for our class booth" niki announces proudly.

wonyoung lets out a laugh.

"wait- really?" she says not believing it.

"because we were caught talking when the teacher was talking. it's so dumb!" i complain.

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