Chapter 53: Forced Confessions

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We all need that person who can be true to you

But I left her when I found her

And now I wish I'd stayed

'Cause I'm lonely and I'm tired

And I'm missing you again

Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold


All he could see was darkness.

"Hello?" Luka called out, his voice echoing further and further away.

With his hands out in front of him, he carefully stepped forward. The light that seemed none existent reflected off a puddle of ebony on the ground.

Is this, oil? Luka questioned as he dipped his finger into the mysterious liquid. It was thicker than blood but darker than coal.

"You killed him." Plagg's silent voice carried through the space around Luka.

"Plagg?" Luka spun to see the Kwami.

Plagg's eyes glowed neon green and ruby red. Ink was pouring down his body, as if he was decaying yet keeping the integrity of his body.

"You. Killed. Him." Plagg darted towards Luka, shaking in fury.

"No, no, we're saving him! Didn't we save him?" Luka pressed his palms against his temples.

Adrien's back was to him. "You left."

Luka wheezed as he woke from his nightmare, his head pounding. Throwing his hand to the side, it hit empty sheets.

"Adrien? Adrien!" Luka tore the sheets off the bed.

"Luka, it's okay, it was just a nightmare." Sass floated before Luka, trying to divert him from his panicked search.

"No - but - where is..." His voice trailed off as he noted the unfamiliar surroundings. He was in another hotel. He was alone. Of course he was alone. That's all he ever was.

Crawling around his room, he searched for Adrien's design. Did Adrien still love him? Would he ever want him back after everything? After the way he treated him?

As he did nearly every morning, he held the paper up to his chest. Even if Adrien hated him, he was there for a reason. He would find the answers. He had to.

Shifting uncomfortably in his seat, he ordered a drink while waiting for Nathalie. He knew that she didn't like how long they were gone either, but at least she could go home every now and then. The implications of being gone for too long for Nathalie meant that Agreste Industries suffered; the implications of Luka being gone too long meant that his career kept growing. Jagged Stone's son! A voice like no other! He writes his own songs! 

When he was younger, he used to dream about playing for an audience. It felt empty when he lived it as a means to prevent himself from accidentally causing Adrien's death.

Nathalie had worked with Luka's manager to get him to play in the places they needed recon, a stipulation that Luka and Nathalie requested in his contract. They would often split up, he would search the places that were closest to his venues, whereas she would travel to the places that they could not justify taking him sprinkled with sporadic visits to France to ensure that Agreste Industries was still on track.

Luka's growing popularity had come in handy in getting locals to speak. Late night VIP visits in Bejing had led to drinks with triads; together, they 'joked' about these ancient mysterious powers. Laughed about the family that travelled to the United States, thinking that the rings would be able to harness their capabilities in 'The New World'. The family failed miserably with strange health conditions and the inability to access family or guidance. There were entire groups in America dedicated to obsessing over this mysterious magic, even a house preserved under a different name. The fact that the rings were maternal caused a plethora of issues. The houses and possible historical events were always linked to the name of the husband, even when the twins kept their last name.

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