Chapter 55: Our Demons Come Out at Night

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When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail
Are the worst of all, and the blood's run stale

I wanna hide the truth
I wanna shelter you
But with the beast inside
There's nowhere we can hide

Demons by Imagine Dragons

The selfie of Luka and Adrien lit up against the sheets. Luka's nose twitched as the vibration tickled him. A hand pushed against his shoulder.

"Mmm... just five more minutes?" Luka responded to the shoving hand.

"Can you at least shut off your phone?" The woman's voice curtly responded.

Surged awake, Luka opened his eyes to see a woman with messy caramel hair grabbing his phone. "What? Are you gay or something?" She tilted her head, as if she couldn't comprehend the photo.

" Or something. " Luka replied venomously as he lunged for the phone. His coordination was off, he merely struck it from her hand and threw it to the ground.

"Whatever, dude." The woman pulled the sheets up over her shoulder, turning away from him.

Luka managed to get to the phone before its last ring. "Hello?"

It sounded like Adrien was being strangled on the other end.

Walking to the bathroom, Luka tried to talk Adrien through it. "Adrien, listen to me. Breathe in - Breathe Out - Breathe In - Breathe Out."

The strangles started to mollify to hitched sobs, but the moment he tried to speak, he was being strangled all over again.

"Adrien - I - I don't know what to do. I'm sorry." Luka pressed his forehead to his palm.

"LUUUKKAA - YOU'RE BEING TOO LOUD!" The woman shouted from his bed.

This only made the unintelligible sounds worse.

Trembling, Luka worked against his better judgement. He told himself it was the fault of the  alcohol, but he probably would have done it sober anyway.

" One, Two, Three, Four" Luka started singing to Adrien. Music was the only way he could reach him when nothing else worked. "Two punks in love, you had my back from day one. We were so young. Yeah that shit hit like a truck."

The bathroom door swung open with such ferocity the drywall slightly cracked under the pressure. "Look, I know you're a singer and shit, but do you know who I am? I need my sleep." The girl snidely interrupted Luka's singing.

"One moment please, Adrien." Luka set the phone on the counter.

His eyes were steel as he marched forward to her. She simply backed up, repulsed that he was not apologizing yet.

Crossing her arms, she prolonged her performance as she watched Luka wordlessly flicking on lights. She'd been in these situations before, if you wanted a fuckboy to stay loyal, you had to push limits and set boundaries. Calls from ex-boyfriends were definitely one of those limits. She knew that she was yearned for, desired. Luka, she thought, should feel lucky to have her. This perception began to shatter as Luka started picking up her clothes along the floor.

"I don't care who the fuck you think you are," Luka threw her clothes back at her, " - but you were my guest. You have no fucking right to talk to me like that." He dropped her shoes by her feet.

"You're making a big mistake, you know that?" She dropped her jaw in disgust. How dare he?

"It sure doesn't feel like it!" Luka opened the door and kept steering the tantruming woman out.

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