Chapter 7: Homecoming

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It's time for the Miraculous' to come home.

We follow their journey to get back, seeing different angles to our characters.


This chapter has a more positive edge, with a slight theme on freedom and joy - but nothing too specific today. Just enjoy some happiness while it lasts.


Gabriel's head lolled back in his chair as he indulged himself within the tranquillity of the dark house. He knew if Emelie saw how he pushed the power's of the ring to the point of utter euphoria, she would protest their use.

Methodically, he removed the ring, allowing his body to enter a brief state of withdrawal. Pain and sorrow seeped to the surface of his skin. Inhaling, he firmly pushed the ring back on his finger and began to spin it. His body felt both heavy as he sank, yet light as a feather as he flew.

Closing his eyes, he allowed the ring's ecstasy to take control.


As the "Liberty" inscription came to light, Nathalie hoped her meticulous precautions would be enough to protect herself and Adrien. With each step, she reanalyzed her moves.

After visiting Adrien in the hospital, she began her mission to return the Miraculous'. Disguising her travels as corporate related, she journeyed through Europe. She used Trixx (the Miraculous of the Fox) to create a mirage to disguise her as she visited a variety of second hand stores. Buying something new had too many possible risks, such as providing a timeline or the location of purchase with any serial numbers or product releases.

To Nathalie's surprise, Trixx picked out a large, brown, weathered purse. The integrity of the bag itself was not in question, and it would offer enough space for her to carefully wrap the Miraculous'. It was average in nearly every way. It would not stand out for being ratty or nice, the colours were neutral, and it could be carried by a teen or a grandmother. She paid in cash and hid the bag in the lining of her suitcase for the remainder of the journey.

London was only the halfway point of her trip, however, as she continued her European travels. Though she used an Agreste trip as an excuse, it had purpose. Since Gabriel's death, reviewing their immediate contracts was an essential business requirement.

Luka may not trust her for her choice to not communicate. However, letting him in on her plan, or receiving any forms of communication from him, could have left loose threads.

Her train of thought had carried her to the edge of the dock. She nervously fingered the fraying arms of the purse. Luka could still easily unravel all her safeties. She knew that she was taking a leap by trusting Luka. But Viperion was taking a risk in trusting her. With the Couffain family in sight, she pressed forward. There was no going back now.


Even after Luka completed his studies, he made the decision to stay on his mother's boat. Beyond being able to help his mother with the day-to-day requirements of maintaining a boat, and with Juleka spending most nights at Rose's house, he didn't see any pressing need to move out. With everything that continued to spiral in his life, The Liberty grounded him.

As Nathalie, unbeknownst to the family, was beginning to approach, the Couffain's partook in a mid-day break on the deck of their boat. These were the moments that Luka cherished. The moments where he and Juleka could fully drop their guard and freely show their playful sides.

"Are you gonna ask Adrien out once he's released?" Juleka mumbled.

The tightening of his lips and reddening of his cheeks answered for him. He was still worried about tension between them, but at least he could have a chance to actually talk to him once he was out.

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