•I'll help you•

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You started violently shaking in small bursts, when the man ran in, eyes widened. He ran back out, and came back. With Shigaraki. "Okay, Y/N, your gonna have to calm down, because I'm about to ficking kill the man beside me." Your eyes slowly went from white to normal, but the blue lightning didn't stop. He carefully walked to you, pulling your small body out of the air and squeezing you. You stopped, and your body went limp once again. He carefully placed you on the ground, and angrily turned around. He walked over, grabbing the man by the neck. Watching him evaporate in to dust. You started crying in pain, barely able to move. He ran over, gently touching your arm with his hand, then picking you up. "Are you okay?" You shook your head. "N-no. P-please be careful. I'm b-badly hurt." He nodded, trying to use his hands to hold you up. You cried out in pain, and he winced. Toga met you both outside the abandoned asylum, with a car. Shigaraki sat down, then layed you on top of his lap, holding you slightly like a baby. Your gonna be fine, okay? Kurogiri will help me bandage you when we get back." You tried nodding to no avail. "O-okay." He kept shifting every time you let out any small noise. Eventually the car came to a soft stop, and Shigaraki got out of the car, carrying you with him. Kurogiri waited at the door. He held the door for you both, them walked inside behind. Kurogiri took you out of his arms, and brought you into Dabis old room, which had been turned into a guest room. Shigaraki ran out, and came back with gauze. "Tomura, I'm not sure I should do this. She'll have to be naked." Tomura sighed, pushing him away and out of the room. He slipped your clothes off, and you tried moving so he could see your back. His eyes widened. He started putting ointment around the open ones, then wrapped gauze around your whole midsection. You kept wincing, but he didn't stop. He wanted all of it to be over. He new it was his fault you were hurt. He carefully wrapped your legs, mostly at the knees where they hit the hard ground. Once he was done, he picked you back up, and carried you to his room. He layed you down on his bed and layed beside you with his hands carefully around you, trying to fall asleep without hurting your unconscious body.

ℍ𝕚𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕘 (𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕚 𝕩 𝔽!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now