•Somewhere New•

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Tomura woke up and you were on your phone. He looked at his, then looked at you. "Love, we gotta go. Pack whatever things you have. Quickly." Your face turned from calm to shock. You didn't need to ask questions. You got up and started packing your small amount of things into a backpack. He took it from you and grabbed your hand, taking you outside. Once you were in the cat and leaving, you asked questions. "Why?"

"Compress accidentally gave away our location like and idiot. We're going to a small house. It's old, but it has to work for now."

"Is it still in Yokohama?"

"Yeah. Just kinda in the back corner of the actual city. We're about 7 blocks from the suburbs."

"Perfect place to start a family~"

He smirked at you "You know what we'd have to do to have kids, right~" You kissed him. "Of course I do. Only with you." He gave you a small smile at that. You moved closer to him, and laid your head on his shoulder. "I'm gonna fix myself. For you, and only you. I love you, y/n y/l/n." He kissed you. "I love you too, Tomura Shigaraki." He put his arms around you. The car kept going for about an hour. Then Kurogiri stopped at a gas station. "Y/n, do you want anyhting?" Tomura asked, getting out of the car. "I'm just thirty get me water." He nodded, closing the door and putting his hood on to stay hidden. After about 5 minutes, he came back with water and a couple of snacks to share since they weren't stopping again. "Can I sleep on you?" He nodded at you and you laid your legs over him and rested your head on his shoulder. He held your back so you didn't hit your head on the door. "Kurogiri, how is Compress this stupid? He's an older villain then me and he's giving away our location like it's a fucking wedding Invitation!" Kurogiri turned. "He said they found the location because one of the unimportant villains had it written down in his phone, which Compress had taken because of uneeded usage. Which could've also gotten us caught. Either way, sir, it fell out of his coat." Tomura rolled his eyes. "Sure. He's an idiot. He's probably just let them follow him like a fucking idiot. It wouldn't surprise me seeing as they've found the location by accidentally leading a student here. Fucking dumbasses! All of them!" Then he quieted his voice as not to wake you. Toga stayed quiet as not to make him angrier, but put her feet up on the dash to annoy Kurogiri. Miss Toga, please remove your feet from the dashboard." She giggled, but moved them down. "When are we gonna be thereeee~" Kurogiri gripped tighter to the wheel. "Miss Toga, we will be there soon." Then Tomura added, "He means, shut the fuck up!" She laughed.


Once there, Tomura carried your sleeping body into your room, which had a large bed that looked kind of old. The house was tiny, and was covered in ivy. There were only 4 bedrooms, all In a large basement which was what made it a perfect hiding place. There was a large room, leading to the four different rooms. Each room had a small bed, other than you and Tomuras room. He brought your and his stuff in, and set it down. Then he slipped into bed with you and fell asleep.

ℍ𝕚𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕘 (𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕚 𝕩 𝔽!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now