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You woke up in the dorm again. "I hate this place." Then Aizawa burst into your room. "Let's go. Get up." You groggily got up and followed him. "Where are we going?" Aizawa turned. "Your.. going back." You smiled. "Good." He kept walking and you followed. He hesitantly brought you outside and into a car. "Were taking you somewhere." He sat down beside you. Then someone in the front started driving. Once you got to the location, you looked out the window and saw a large city building. No lights were on, and vines were growing on the sides of it. "What the hell is this place?" Aizawa looked at you. "You'll see." When you followed him getting out, it looked like 5 pro heroes were coming with you. You rolled your eyes, finally figuring out what was happening. They walked into the building, and started up the stairs. Once at the top, the Pro Heroes started hiding. Then a portal opened, a tied up kid and Tomura appeared out of it, along with Toga. "What the hell... you told us that you only had one kid!" Tomura smirked. "I did, didn't i?" He let out a dark laugh. Aizawa stopped in his tracks, swiftly moving to you. He put a knife up to your neck. Your eyes widened. So did Tomuras. He dropped the crying kid onto the ground, stopped. "Don't." The pro heroes came out of hiding. "Give her back, or else ill touch the kid with all five fingers." Aizawa pushed you toward Tomura. "Fine. But give us both kids." Tomura smirked. "No?" Then the Pro Heroes started running to him. But a bunch of villains started heading out of the portal. Instead of attacking though, they came and grabbed you again. And the kid. "No!" They quickly retreated, but Toga had to drag Tomuras angrily yelling body into the portal. You started crying, head sinking down as you fell to your knees. You sent out a blast of blue, making Aizawa fall to the ground. Your eyes glowing blue as you floated up into the air. Then you started feeling sharp pains, each one worse than the last. "Y/N! Stop!" It was one of the Pro Heroes. Even through hazy eyes, recognized him. "Uncle Hiyushi?" He tried moving closed to you. "Yes. Y/N please, turn your quirk down, i can see burns on your body. Your going too far!" You stopped and fell to the ground. He rushed to you. You opened your eyes and the pain stinged through you. He picked you up. "Grab Aizawa and go. She family. I can take care of her." One picked Aizawa up and they left. "Are you okay?" You smiled. "Probably not." Then you passed out and went limp.

ℍ𝕚𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕘 (𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕚 𝕩 𝔽!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now