• The Stalker •

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As you've been walking to work the past few weeks, a strange hooded man has been following you. He knows your schedule, including exactly when you walk out the door. He's always waiting, even if your late.


You try walking to work as normal, but you can't help but hear the sound of crunching closely behind you. You rush faster towards your work, but not fast enough he would notice you've spotted him. You hurry in to meet Malina, your co-worker, at the door. She let's you in, and says "Go work the register I gotta prep the kitchen." She's not angry, and her voice is cheery. She practically hops into the back and you can hear her washing dishes. Youve been working for an hour, and youve already broke  2 mugs in nervousness of goong home tonight. You just focus on finishing your shift...


You've finally been able to leave and head back to your apartment, but not before you spot the same familiar man that you've seen the past month. Your not afraid, as even though he's a stalker, you've grown attached to the slight company. He's never tried anything with you, but you walways wonder what would happen if he did. You walk into your apartment, and lock the door behind you. The man had already stopped following by the time you made it to the complex, but you still had the small gut feeling he was still there. You ignored it, and went to your room to sleep before your 5pm shift at the bar. This was your schedule almost every day of the week, something normally no one would be able to handle. You get up from your nap and dress in nicer attire in order to leave for your shift. You grab your keys and clutch your purse close as you lock your apartment door behind you. You walk faster, knowing that as always, the man was following you to work. You walked in and put your things away, stopping to look up as the hooded man walked by the bar. You met his gaze for a second and saw shining red eyes. He hastily turned away to keep walking. You nervously started attending to the bar, and by 11pm you were getting excited to leave. But people in the bar were starting to get rowdy, and you had to Stay late in order to help get them out. It was 1:34am by the time you were done, and you headed out the door without a second thought. You felt a tap on your shoulder, and turned around quickly. One of the drunk men from the bar was waiting. "Hey, beautiful, what's a lady like you doing her alone" The man said, as he pushed you into a wall roughly. You hit your head, and everything started to go blurry. "No! Dont touch me!" You said falling to the ground in pain, When you heard yelling as you were knocked out. "Leave her the hell alone, fucker!" The man in the hood, Shigaraki, said disintegrating the man as fast as he could. You lay unconscious as the hooded man spewed profanities into the air about you getting hurt.


"Dabi, carry her." Shigaraki said, looking down at your unmoving body. "Aww, boss, don't you want to do the honors?" Dabi said in a fake sweet voice. "No. I know damn well a finger will slip and something will happen." Shigaraki said with a sigh. Dabi shrugged, picking you up and taking you through a portal. Once inside, they brought you to Shigarakis room and layed you down on his mattress. They both walked out into the room where the other villain, Kurogiri was. "So, what are you planning to do with that.. girl." Kurogiri said in his odd manner. "Nothing. All I did was protect her and bring her here for the night." Shigaraki said, slightly annoyed at the question. "Well, its just confusing as you show no mercy when it comes to anyone else." Kurogiri said eerily. "Your pushing it, shithead." Shigaraki said angrily. Once he calmed down a bit, he was able to fall asleep on the couch in the front room, and everyone else went to sleep. Except for Dabi. He stayed awake watching T.V. and drinking beer. He heard you stir quite a few times through the night, but just let you sleep.

ℍ𝕚𝕤 𝔻𝕣𝕦𝕘 (𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕚 𝕩 𝔽!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now